Tag Archives: IS-BE


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“…all sentient beings are immortal spiritual beings. This includes human beings. For the sake of accuracy and simplicity I will use a made-up word: “IS-BE”. Because the primary nature of an immortal being is that they live in a timeless state of “is”, and the only reason for their existence is that they decide to “be”. 

Each IS-BE is told that they have a special purpose for being on Earth. But, of course there is no purpose for being in a prison — at least not for the prisoner. 

“The purpose of the prison planet is to keep IS-BEs on Earth, forever. Promoting ignorance, superstition, and war between IS-BEs helps to keep the prison population crippled and trapped behind “the wall” of electronic force screens. 

ALIEN INTERVIEWMystery reinforces the walls of the prison. 

Imagine what might happen if all of the inmates in the prison suddenly remembered that they have the right to be free! What if they suddenly realized that they have been falsely imprisoned and rise up as one against the guards? 

The prison is made of shadows in your mind. The shadows are made of lies, and pain, and loss, and fear. 

The true geniuses of civilization are those IS-BEs who will enable other IS-BEs to recover their memory and regain self-realization and self-determination. This issue is not solved through enforcing moral regulation on behavior, or through the control of beings through mystery, faith, drugs, guns or any other dogma of a slave society. And certainly not through the use of electric shock and hypnotic commands! 

The survival of Earth and every being on it depends on the ability to recover the memory of skills you have accrued through the trillenia; to recover the essence of yourself.”

— Excerpts from statements made by the crashed UFO pilot in Roswell, 1947

READ MORE:  http://alieninterview.org/blog/


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psychosis redefinedThe original definition of the word “psychosis” came from the Greek word, psykhe– “soul”, i.e. psyche + -osis.  Greek psykhosis meant “a giving of life; animation; principle of life.” Definition of “-osis” in English: Denoting a process or condition.

The word “psychosis” in Earth “science” was invented in 1841 by German physician Karl Friedrich Canstatt (July 11, 1807,—1850) in his work Handbuch der Medizinischen Klinik. He used it as a shorthand for ‘psychic neurosis’. At that time neurosis meant any disease of the nervous system, and Canstatt was thus referring to what was considered a psychological manifestation of brain disease. (i.e. “brain” = “spirit or soul”.) Earth science cannot perceive a psyche, soul or spirit. So, all manifestations of the “psyche” are incorrectly attributed to “the brain”, which is a physical universe object.

A “psyche”, soul/spirit, is defined as an “Is-Be”, or Immortal Spiritual Being, in the book Alien Interview.  It is not a brain. An Is-Be is an eternal source of creative thought, animation, energy, and perception in the physical universe (and others) including all sentient life-forms. An Is-Be exists whether it is inhabiting a biological body or not. Collectively, all Is-Bes creating and perceiving interactively may be the source and cause of entire universes.

ALIEN INTERVIEWThe human Earth population are spiritual prisoners on Earth. Earth is a “prison planet” of the Old Empire government of this region of space, and beyond. The most common types of “psychosis” manifested by Is-Bes on prison planet Earth, are described in the book Alien Interview.

As a personal study exercise, I have taken the liberty of creating my own definitions, and abbreviated names, for  various types of Is-Be “psychosis” on Earth, based on descriptions of “untouchables” from the Alien Interview book, as follows:

“PP-Be” = Generic Prison Planet Is-Be, i.e. any Is-Be inhabiting a biological body on Earth, or disembodied Is-Be controlled by the amnesia / hypnosis machinery of the prison planet.

“Crim-Be” = Criminal Is-Bes such as common murderers and thieves, congressmen, military contractors, corporation CEOs, pharmaceutical companies, con-artists, etc..

“Perv-Be” = Sexually Perverted Is-Be such as rapists, child molesters, sex-slave traders, patriarchal priests, secret cult members, various politicians, sexual predators, sex drug pushers, or those who use sex as a weapon of control or to inflict pain.

“War-Be” = Military/industrial/Political/Banker Warmonger or Soldier Is-Be.

“Bank-Be” = Bankster Is-Be such as any banker, stock trader, land speculators, fiat money creators, etc. who create an alleged “valuable means of exchange” which is not supported by actual goods, services, food, survival necessities, etc., required for life of biological bodies and the maintenance of the planetary environment.

“Para-Be” = Parasitic Is-Be who cannot produce anything but can only bleed the labor, inventions or work from other Is-Bes using aesthetic lies, trickery, deception, false promises, treachery enforced on the “host” by legal and military force. Example: attorneys, priests of religion or science, politicians, bankers, gamblers, drug sellers, etc..

“Sci-Be” = Priests and/or practitioners of Western “science” or “medicine” on Earth.

“Art-Be” = Any of the numerous Artist / Performer Is-Bes such as painters, dancers, singers, writers, musicians, etc., whom the Old Empire deemed to be “untouchable” or useless to their totalitarian society.

“Worker-Be” = Slave Is-Bes who do manual labor in mines, on farms, in factories, etc., to feed the bodies and create wealth for the Para-Bes, Bank-Bes, etc..

“Psycho-Be” = chronically destructive, anti-social beings who cannot be corrected, changed or repaired.

“Rev-Be” = Is-Bes who are revolutionaries or political/military enemies of the Old Empire

“DEF-Be” = Is-Bes who are members of the Domain Expeditionary Force who have been captured on or near Earth, given amnesia and placed in biological bodies as part of the prison population of Earth.

“Smart-Be” = Is-Bes who are brilliant inventors, managers, thinkers, creators, etc.

“Dumb-Be” = Is-Bes who have sunken below the level of sentient awareness.


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70 candle karmaI was inserted (as a Spiritual Being) into my current biological body on August 12, 1946, at the hospital in Albion, MI at 2:14 p.m..  So, as of today I have ridden the “Earth Ride” 70 times around the Sun. Another day, another Karmic Candle on the Cake of Life.

I have a vivid memory of viewing the green forests of central Michigan from about ten thousand feet above Earth seconds before “swooping down” into my “new body” 70 years ago.  This image is intensely real to me!  I have no slightest doubt that this was the moment at which I was “inserted” into the body I have inhabited during this lifetime with the name given to me by my parents: Lawrence Rodney Spencer.

After than moment the first “sentient” memory I have is of sitting in a high-chair being fed canned peaches by my mother at about the age of two years. I remember this moment as being the first time I asserted my personal opinion, and therefore, me identity.  I told my mother that the fruit she fed me were pears.  She insisted they were peaches.  I belligerently insisted that they were pears (knowing they were, in fact, peaches) in an effort to assert my “rightness”.  My mother was so upset by my argument that she began to cry in frustration. I was delighted to have created such a dramatic effect on my mother…on the one person who completely controlled me life. At that moment I knew that I was a unique individual. I was “me”!

During the intervening years since the birth of my body I have struggled to comprehend “who I really am”, a quest infinitely more painful than birth as it transcends the elements of time, space, energy, matter, and life itself.  I have always had a profound sense that “something isn’t right” about being stuck inside a biological body.  Indeed, I sensed that that being on the planet Earth was fundamentally wrong, and seriously fucked up!

When my body was young and physical fit (i.e. able to work all day and fuck all night) I was certain that I was, like most stupid human animals, invincible and physically immortal.  Now that my 70 year old body is crippled by arthritis and immobilized by a lifetime of cumulative work and sports related injuries I have become alarmingly aware of my personal and imminent physical mortality!

Moreover, as I have regained more awareness of my personal spiritual immortality, I have come to realize that I am NOT a biological entity, and that the planet Earth is not my “home”.  I am quite certain that the entire “physical universe” is nothing more than an illusory construct of the cumulative, agreed upon illusion created by the collective thoughts of all immortal beings who share the opinion that the physical universe is “reality”.  I have also become aware that this is nothing more or less than my “personal opinion” based on my unique and peculiar “point of view” within the context of what I consider to be my own, “personal reality”.  I am equally certain that my “reality” is only one of approximately 8 billion others on Earth.

During my current lifetime I usually held the opinion that any individual on Earth, as a spiritual being, was fundamentally transcendent, powerful and able to control their environment and their own, spiritual destiny.  After 70 years of observation, experience and evaluation I’ve discovered that this idea is bullshit.

Nicola Tesla, probably the most profound inventor, intellect and idealist in the history of Earth, summarized the human condition as follows:

“The human being is a self-propelled automaton entirely under the control of external influences. Willful and predetermined though they appear, his actions are governed not from within, but from without. He is like a float tossed about by the waves of a turbulent sea.”

I puzzled for many years about the “reasons why” for this statement until I discovered the subject of Vedic Astrology.  I discovered, to my alarm and dismay, that our entire spiritual and biological existence on Earth is predetermined by a mathematical matrix that combines physical planets and mathematical constructs called “constellations” into “programs” that determine our thoughts, behavior, perceptions, emotions and destiny.

The book Alien Interview reveals that the Vedic Hymns were brought to Earth in the Himalaya Mountains of Northern India about ten thousand years ago by an extraterrestrial invasion space force called The Domain.  Coincidentally, the highly precise spiritual and mathematical science of Vedic Astrology, i.e. the technology of understanding the machinery of the “prison planet matrix” of Earth is manifested and revealed.

When I consulted a Vedic astrologer about my personal “program”, as pre-programmed and revealed by the exact date, time and physical location of my body birth, I asked him the following question:

“Is between lives amnesia caused by the loss of a biological body, and all of the pre-programmed behavior connected to it?”

His answer:  “Yes”.

When a being enters into a new body a new “program” begins based on the exact day, time, physical location of the body birth.  Conversely,  the program associated with the dead body disappears with the dead body, along with all memories associated with it, and replaced by a new program.  Memories associated with the dead body and it’s programming are replaced in the attention of the being with the programs and physical demands of a new body in a new location in a new lifetime.

Hypothetically, a being could avoid all of this confusion, turmoil and amnesia simply by avoiding the assumption of a new baby body on Earth.  “Avoid The Light” that beckons the being into a new program of biological imprisonment on Earth.  This theory sounds simple.  However, I have not personally met a being who has successfully avoided reincarnation, or the influences of the Astrological Programming associated with the solar system of Earth.

Karmic Fate or self-determination?  The Alien Interview transcripts tell us that Is-Bes who are incarcerated in biological bodies on Earth no longer possess the spiritual volition to choose their own lives and destiny.  Until we raise ourselves above the state of “human being”, or some invasion force dismantles the Astrological Programming machinery, we’re stuck here for the Rest of Eternity.  I don’t know if the information in this book is true or not.  However, it is something I’m thinking about today, as I conclude 70 years of incarnation in my current body.

As I begin another trip around the Sun I am hopeful that we can find ways to make our lives more enjoyable during the next 70 years than they have been since we were transplanted to Earth from other times, planets or universes.

— Lawrence R. Spencer,  August 12, 2016


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( *IS-BE = Immortal Spiritual BEing )


“The text of books I have been given on subjects related to the function of life forms contain information that is based on false memories, inaccurate observation, missing data, unproven theories, and superstition.

For example, just a few hundred years ago your physicians practiced bloodletting as a means to release supposed ill-humors from the body in an attempt to relieve or heal a wide variety of physical and mental afflictions.  Although this has been corrected somewhat, many barbarisms are still being practiced in the name of medical science.

In addition to the application of incorrect theories concerning biological engineering, many primary errors that Earth scientists make are the result of an ignorance of the nature and relative importance of IS-BEs as the source of energy and intelligence which animate every life form.

Although it is not a priority of The Domain to intervene in the affairs of Earth, The Domain Communications Office has authorized me to provide you with some information in an effort to provide a more accurate and complete understanding of these things and thereby enable you to discover more effective solutions to the unique problems you face on Earth.

The correct information about the origins of biological entities has been erased from your mind, as well as from the minds of your mentors.  In order to help you regain your own memory, I will share with you some factual material concerning the origin of biological entities.”

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