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Scientists at the Scientific Research Centre Bistra in Ptuj, Slovenia, have theorized that the Newtonian idea of time as an absolute quantity that flows on its own, along with the idea that time is the fourth dimension of space-time, are incorrect. They propose to replace these concepts of time with a view that corresponds more accurately to the physical world: time as a measure of the numerical order of change.

This view doesn’t mean that time does not exist, but that time has more to do with space than with the idea of an absolute time. So while 4D spacetime is usually considered to consist of three dimensions of space and one dimension of time, the researchers’ view suggests that it’s more correct to imagine space-time as four dimensions of space. In other words, as they say, the Universe is “timeless.”

It appears that so-called “scientists” are beginning to catch up with me.  Or maybe they finally read my book, THE OZ FACTORS, published in 1997, in which I made the following observations about time:


                Time is a subject that is far from absolute. The measurement of time is the activity of monitoring the movement of matter or energy particles through space. In order to establish the passage of time, one must establish an agreed-upon reference point for beginning the period of time to be measured. Then, the increments of measurement must be uniformly consistent throughout the period of time being quantified. This set of qualifying factors, however, applies only to the Physical Universe.

               Does time (as the Munchkins would say) morally, ethically, spiritually, physically, positively, absolutely, undeniably and reliably actually, really exist?

               Imagine that you are completely isolated, unable to observe any physical motion whatsoever–no sun, moon and stars, night or day. If you were isolated from your own body such that you could not detect any breathing rhythm or heartbeat or cellular motion of any kind to use as a reference point, would time exist?

               People who have been locked in solitary confinement, whether in a prison or in an isolation chamber, have experienced the phenomenon of “no time”.

               Since many people seem to have an innate, built-in time sense, or a “biological clock”, there may be a subjective awareness of time. But, even so, time is determined by measuring some motion in the physical universe.

               How can the dates of something for which you have no starting point be measured? How can the age of our planet, our galaxy, or the entire physical universe be determined? How can the age of something which does not exist in the physical universe, such as a spirit, be calculated? Logically, an arbitrary unit of measurement must be chosen. Then a particle or object which can move through space must exist. This particle would have to travel at a uniformly predictable rate of speed. The unit of measurement would depend on the magnitude or size of the motion of the particle relative to a fixed point in space, or a fixed point of view.”

— Lawrence R. Spencer, Author

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What is “intelligence”?  It is an estimation of the ability of an organism to solve the problems of survival.  However, for so-called “scientists” who can only think in numbers and symbols (but can’t get laid or hold down a non-government job) a chimpanze is “more intelligent” than human beings. Don’t get me wrong: I love animals and respect their intelligence and their right to survive. However, I think the movie RAINMAN already demonstrated that “intellince” and math skills are not as valuable as being able to fix a piece of toast without having a psychotic episode. Autism notwithstanding, the problems chimps must solve in order to survive in their natural environment do not compare with the problems that human beings must solve to survive in the universe. Chimps are chimps — not people.

Here’s proof that “scientists” are not “intelligent”:


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Definition of the word Constatation:

noun: an assumption or supposition that is the basis of an argument, theory or hypothesis.

verb:  expressing an opinion based upon suppositional arguments or theory unsubstantiated by demonstrable evidence.

Examples of Constatation:

Example 1:  

In the year of ‘Our Lord’, 1423 A.D., (in Caucasian European Christian ‘civilization’) it is certain and irrefutable knowledge, guaranteed by threat of pain or death at the hands of the priests of the Catholic Church, who are the one and only official representatives of the Only God, an unseen Male Spirit, who ‘created’ everything that exists in 6 days – that is, the entire universe and everything in it — including the Sun that revolves around the Earth which is a flat, 2-dimensional plane whose peripheral boundaries are unexplored and, therefore, dangerous and forbidden to investigate, and Man (not woman) who was likewise created as a rendering of His perfect likeness, including a multi-purpose device used for self-replication and/or as a self-serving pleasure toy, or by the priests who use it to bugger young boys.

Example 2:

In the year 2011, the priests of Western Science hypothesize, based on a Theory of Evolution — which is utterly devoid of any spiritual concept whatsoever — decree, with the blessings of the aforementioned Christian priests,  that the planet Earth accidentally spawned a myriad of physical biological-chemical -electrical organisms of which the preeminent product is “homo sapiens”, whom are therefore justified in appointing themselves to be the supreme form of life in “The Universe” and are therefore “The Center” of all universes, which is based  on an infinitesimally tiny speck of dust inside of an nearly infinitely large and chaotic space that is absolutely stuffed with eternally burning balls of deadly energy, radiating across intractable fields of indecipherable matter, and monstrously tiny and gigantic objects all swirling about in a inconceivably macroscopic and microscopic continuum which has existed in a state of unmitigated , explosive growth for approximately 4 billion years of “time” -– a concept for which the priests have no agreed upon definition – as the result of an accidental and inexplicable “Big Bang” of pre-existing energy and/or materials of unknown location, derivation, quality, quantity, origin or causation, purpose, rhyme or reason whatsoever.


Excerpt from the forthcoming book, THE ORDER OF OMEGA TIME TRAVEL CULT, by Lawrence R. Spencer