Tag Archives: Stupidity

A Short Introduction to the History of Stupidity (574 pages)

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Excerpts from the book, “A Short Introduction to the History of Stupidity” by Walter B. Pitkin (1932):

“Stupidity can easily be proved the supreme Social Evil. Three factors combine to establish it as such. First and foremost, the number of stupid people is legion. Secondly, most of the power in business, finance, diplomacy and politics is in the hands of more or less stupid individuals. Finally, high abilities are often linked with serious stupidity.

Since 1929 even some cloak and suit salesman have learned that stupid folk still rule the world. Stupid presidents write messages to stupid parliaments. Stupid bankers lend millions to stupid investors. Stupid newspaper editors hide painful facts. Stupid taxpayers shell out billions of dollars for battleships, fortresses, shells, and stupid second lieutenants. Stupid manufacturers build factories three times too big. Stupid retailers sell third-rate goods at first-rate prices.

Liberalism is the last refuge of the stupid. Thither rushes every fool in trouble. He leaves patriotism to the scoundrel seeking safety, for the fool knows — in spite of his folly — that liberalism is founded on the rock of truth and is almost impregnable. If ever a census enumerator penetrates this temple, I suspect that he will find dwelling there five sons of Cyclops for every intelligent inmate. Worse luck for the latter!

The young adventurers of Tomorrow will be rash enough to enter the dark homes of these humanesques and treat them as if they were full-statured men. And, as ever before, Cyclops will consume them to the last bone unless youth strikes the monster blind. For between the children of light and the humanesques there can never be peace. One or the other must survive. One or the other must perish.

Which shall it be?”


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overpopulationThe issue of human “overpopulation” of Earth is the subject of much debate.  The “Agenda 21” advocates insist that the human population must be reduced or, at least, controlled.  The “elite” (financially wealthy, greed-driven, Caucasian, self-appointed, Only Ones, Divinely Entitled, self-important, Entitled by Manifest Destiny of the One and Only God) insist that the optimum human population must be reduced and maintained at 500,000,000 people.  This is a number that “they” consider to be the optimum number of SLAVES required to serve their physical needs on Earth.   500 million slaves are required to “feed” the “1%” which, mathematically, must be no more than 5o,ooo multi-billionaires. According the “Agenda 21”, the United Nations program to reduce and control the world population, these are idea numbers.OverpopulationMythManhattanandNewZealandTheir argument for “population control” is that Earth cannot sustain the current and growing human population.  However, the “logic” of this fallacious propaganda is based on “artificially created scarcity”.  What are the lowest common denominator of unlimited survival resources?  Water. Food. Electricity.

Nikola Tesla invented and proved the REALITY of UNLIMITED, FREE, GLOBAL ELECTRICITY in 1888, and demonstrated this with the construction of the Wardenclyffe Tower: a method of broadcasting electrical energy without wires, through the atmosphere of Earth. With unlimited energy humanity could produce an unlimited food supply.  Unlimited clean water.  Unlimited communication.  Unlimited travel. This invention was purposefully and intentionally suppressed and destroy by J.P. Morgan.  Why? It could not be monetized and metered.  Therefore, his PERSON FINANCIAL CONTROL would be superseded and negated.  Financial backing of the TECHNOLOGY OF FREE ENERGY was withdrawn and prohibited.  Instead, the personal power and control of ONE person supplanted the survival of ALL HUMANITY.

wardenclyffeOil, coal, fossil fuels, gasoline, and internal combustion engines were funded and promoted for personal financial power and control by “The Elite”.  Who are the “elite”?  Bankers. JP Morgan championed and established (under the direction of the Rothschild Zionist Dynasty) an artificially created “fiat currency” system.  The Federal Reserve (Private Bank) Act was bludgeoned through the US Congress by Morgan and his minions.  Thereafter, the elimination and control of global human survival was curtailed, controlled and eliminated.  Fallacious and artificially contrived wars have been conceived and funded by Private Bankers to profit from manufacturing weapons, military conquest, murder and destruction for personal financial gain.OverpopulationMythManilaandTunisia

With unlimited FREE ENERGY, invented by Nikola Tesla, the oceans of the world could be desalinated! Unlimited food supplies could be cultivated in the vast deserts of the world.  And a myriad of illimitable resources for human survival could be conceived, created, built and sustained.

How many human beings, animals and plants could coexist, peaceably, on Earth if unlimited, uncontrolled FREE ENERGY were available?  You do the math.

We live on a planet that is carefully controlled and monitored by a Criminal Elite whose sole aim to to CREATE SCARCITY for their own personal financial power and control.  They lobby loudly, under the covert banner of “philanthropy” to reduce population, primarily of “Third World (non-Caucasian) nations.  Yet, they do not volunteer to reduce their own number, do they?

Therefore, it is logical and self-evident that the “humanitarian” solution to “over population” is to eliminate the BANKER population first. Any volunteers?