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Lawrence R. Spencer. 2013.


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“The core concept behind ‘sexual reproduction’ technology was the invention of a chemical/electronic interaction called “cyclical stimulus-response generators”. [i] (Footnote)  This is an programmed genetic mechanism which causes a seemingly spontaneous, recurring impulse to reproduce. The same technique was later adapted and applied to biological flesh bodies, including Homo Sapiens.

Another important mechanism used in the reproductive process, especially with Homo Sapiens type bodies, is the implantation of a “chemical-electrical trigger” mechanism [ii] (Footnote) in the body.  The “trigger” which attracts IS-BEs to inhabit a human body, or any kind of “flesh body”, is the use of an artificially imprinted electronic wave which uses “aesthetic pain” to attract the IS-BE.

Every trap in the universe, including those used to capture IS-BEs who remain free, is “baited” with an aesthetic electronic wave.  The sensations caused by the aesthetic wavelength are more attractive to an IS-BE than any other sensation.  When the electronic waves of pain and beauty are combined together, this causes the IS-BE to get “stuck” in the body.  The “reproductive trigger” used for lesser life forms, such as cattle and other

mammals, is triggered by chemicals emitted from the scent glands, combined with reproductive chemical-electrical impulses stimulated by testosterone, or 

These are also interactive with nutrition levels which cause the life form to reproduce more when deprived of food sources.  Starvation promotes reproductive activity as a means of perpetuating survival through future regenerations, when the current organism fails to survive.  These fundamental principles have been applied throughout all species of life.”estrogen. [iii] (Footnote)

— Excerpt from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW

[i]  “…”cyclical stimulus-response generators”.  

Fixed Action Pattern (FAP) is an instinctive behavioral sequence that is indivisible and runs to completion. Fixed action patterns are invariant and are produced by a neural network known as the innate releasing mechanism in response to an external sensory stimulus known as a sign stimulus or releaser.

ALIEN INTERVIEWA mating dance may be used as an example. Many species of birds engage in a specific series of elaborate movements, usually by a brightly colored male. How well they perform the “dance” is then used by females of the species to judge their  fitness as a potential mate. The key stimulus is typically the presence of the female.

Although fixed action patterns are most common in animals with simpler cognitive capabilities, humans also demonstrate fixed action patterns. For example, infants grasp strongly with their hands as a response to tactile stimulus.”

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[ii]   “…chemical-electrical trigger” mechanism…”

“A taxis (plural taxes) is an innate behavioural response by an organism to a stimulus. A taxis differs from a tropism (turning response, often growth towards or away from a stimulus) in that the organism has motility and demonstrates guided movement towards or away from the stimulus. It also differs from a kinesis, a non-directional change in activity in response to a stimulus that results in the illusion of directed motion due to different rates of activity depending on stimulus intensity.

For example, flagellate protozoans of the genus Euglena move towards a light source. Here the directional stimulus is light, and the orientation movement is towards the light. This reaction or behaviour is a positive one to light and specifically
termed “positive phototaxis”, since phototaxis is a response to a light stimulus, and the organism is moving towards the stimulus. If the organism moves away from the stimulus, then the taxis is negative. Many types of taxis have been identified and named using prefices to specify the stimulus that elicits the response. These include anemotaxis (stimulation by wind), barotaxis (pressure), chemotaxis (chemicals), galvanotaxis (electrical current), geotaxis (gravity), hydrotaxis (moisture), phototaxis (light), rheotaxis (fluid flow), thermotaxis (temperature changes) and thigmotaxis (physical contact).

Chemotaxis is a migratory response elicited by chemicals. Unicellular (e.g. protozoa) or multicellular (e.g. worms) organisms are targets of the substances. A concentration gradient of chemicals developed in a fluid phase guides the vectorial movement of responder cells or organisms.

Electrotaxis is directional movement of motile cells in response to a electric field. It has been suggested that by detecting and orientating themselves toward the electric fields.  This notion is based on 1) the existence of measurable electric fields that naturally occur during wound healing, development and regeneration; and 2) cells in cultures respond to applied electric fields by directional cell.”

— Reference:

[iii] “… reproductive chemical-electrical impulses stimulated by testosterone or estrogen.”

“Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen group. In mammals, testosterone is primarily secreted in the testes of males and the ovaries of females, although small amounts are also secreted by the adrenal glands. It is the principal male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid.

The period of the early 1930’s to the 1950’s has been called “The Golden Age of Steroid Chemistry”, and work during this period progressed quickly. Research in this golden age proved that this newly synthesized compound — testosterone — or rather family of compounds (for many derivatives were developed in the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s), was a potent multiplier of muscle, strength, and wellbeing

In both men and women, testosterone plays a key role in health and well-being as well as in sexual functioning.

The human hormone testosterone is produced in greater amounts by males, and less by females. The human hormone estrogen is produced in greater amounts by females, and less by males.  On average, an adult human male body produces about forty to sixty times more testosterone than an adult female body.

Testosterone causes the appearance of masculine traits (i.e deepening voice, pubic and facial hairs, muscular build, etc.) Like men, women rely on testosterone to maintain libido, bone density and muscle mass throughout their lives.”

— Reference:


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FACEBOOK NEWSYesterday I was bored, so I spent several hours reading the “FACEBOOK NEWS”, i.e. posts made by some of my 4,923 Facebook “Friends”, who are almost all “identities” or trolls I’ve never met.  From these “posts” I thought it would be fun to create a “FACEBOOK NEWS FORECAST” of events that will allegedly happen within the next few months, years, decades or whenever.  Like all “news” it’s always about chaos and fear.  But, what would we do if we didn’t have fear, superstition, chaos and mind-control to guide our pitiful lives?  We can’t just sit around being kind and loving and comfortable, can we?  That would be boring.  Personally, I’m pretty sure that Earth is a prison or an insane asylum, so all this “news” seems “normal” to me. (Read the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, if you haven’t already, and you’ll understand why I say this.)

Anyway, here is a list of predicted events from “Facebook News”:

  • The Stock Market and the US dollar will collapse and the US will fall into a state of total financial chaos caused by criminal Wall Street “derivative” trading and China “trade deficits” which will need to be “balanced” so the 1% criminals can steal more wealth.
  • Riots and starvation will be rampant because the “peasants” won’t have money.
  • The government will herd everyone into prison camps for their own “protection”.
  • Crime and civil war will break out all over the country.
  • The US will declare a state of martial law and all the soldiers put into place by “Jade Helm” will be activated to arrest or shoot American “dissenters”.
  • The HAARP installation in Alaska will disrupt the energy frequency of Earth and cause a gigantic earthquake in Canada and Washington and the West Coast of the US will fall into the Pacific Ocean which will allow FEMA and the UN to take control of “resources”.
  • This will also cause the Yellowstone volcanic caldera to erupt and kill 100 million Americans, which is a part of the NWO Agenda 21 plan for population reduction.
  • An asteroid or comet will strike the Earth and cause a cataclysmic global tidal wave.
  • The entire world will be engulfed by man-made extreme weather, floods, tornadoes, etc.
  • Zionist Israel will start World War III and blame it on Iran or Russian or whoever….
  • The New World Order to create a false “alien invasion” attack on Earth, launched from secret, black budget underground bases around the Earth.
  • The “elite” 1% and Illuminati will retreat into underground shelters until the radioactive “dust” settles and the water subsides.
  • The “secret satellite system” will create a Holographic image of “The Second Coming of Jesus” which will be broadcast exclusively on Fox News during the Superbowl.
  • The New World Order government will be established permanently at the United Nations.
  • The Pope will be appointed the Head of a New World Order Religion.
  • Noah will build an Ark and all the animals will go on board and float.
  • Global population will be reduced to a “manageable” 500 million and all the “survivors” (the 1% and their personal slaves) will live happily ever after in “paradise”.


~ Lawrence R. Spencer ~


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The Lament by Hermes Trismegistus, translated from Ficino by Dame Frances Amelia Yates (1899 – 1981)

“There will come a time when it will be seen that in vain have the Egyptians honored the divinity with a pious mind and with assiduous service. All their holy worship will become inefficacious. The Gods, leaving the earth will go back to heaven; they will abandon Egypt; this land, once the home of religion, will be widowed of its gods and left destitute.

Strangers will fill this country, and not only will there no longer be care for religious observances, but, yet a more painful thing, it will be laid down under so-called laws — under pain of punishments — that all must abstain from acts of piety or cult towards the gods. Then this Holy Land, the home of sanctuaries and temples, will be covered with tombs and the dead.

ThothOh, Egypt! Egypt, there will remain of the religion only fables, and thy children in later times will not believe them; nothing will survive save words engraved on stones to tell of thy pious deeds!

The Scythian, or the Indian, or some other such barbarous neighbor will establish himself in Egypt. For behold the divinity goes back up to heaven; and men, abandoned, all die, and then, without either god or man, Egypt will be nothing but a desert.

Why weep, O Asclepius? Egypt will be carried away to worse things than this; she will be polluted with graver crimes. She, hitherto most holy, who so much loved the gods, only country of Earth where the gods made their home in return for her devotion — she who taught men holiness and piety — will give example of the most atrocious cruelty.

In that hour, weary of life, men will no longer regard the world as (angel) worthy object of their admiration and reverence. This All, which is a good thing, the best that be seen in the past, the present, and the future, will be in danger of perishing, men will esteem it a burden; and thenceforth they will despise and no longer cherish this whole of the universe, incomparable work of God, glorious construction, good creation, made up of an infinite diversity of life forms, instrument of the will of God who, without envy, pours forth his favour on all his work, in which is assembled in one whole, in harmonious diversity, all that can be seen that is worthy of reverence, praise and love.

For darkness will be preferred to light; it will be thought better to die than to live; none will raise his eyes towards heaven; the pious man will be thought mad, the impious, wise; frenzied will be thought brave, the worst criminal a good man.

The soul and all the beliefs attached to it, according to which the soul is immortal by nature, or foresees that it can obtain immortality, as I have taught you — this will be laughed at and thought nonsense. And believe me, it will be considered a capital crime to give oneself to the religion of the mind. A new justice will be created and new laws. Nothing holy, nothing pious, nothing worthy of heaven and of the gods who dwell there, will be any more spoken of nor will find credence in the soul.

The gods will separate themselves from men, deplorable divorce. Only the evil angels will remain who will mingle with men, and constrain them by violence — miserable creatures — to all excesses of criminal audacity, engaging them in wars, brigandage, frauds, and in everything which contrary to the nature of the soul. Then the Earth will lose its equilibrium, the sea will be no longer navigable, the heaven will no longer be full of stars, the stars will stop their courses, and will be silent. The fruits of the Earth will molder, the soil will no longer be fertile, the air itself will grow thick with lugubrious torpor. Such will be the Old Age of the world: irreligion, disorder, confusion of all goods.Mortality Mechanics' Manual

When all these things have come to pass, O Asclepius, then the Lord and Father, the god first in power and *demiurge of the One God, having considered these customs and voluntary crimes, endeavoring, by his will, which is the divine will, to bar the way to vices and universal corruption and to correct errors, he will annihilate all malice, either by effacing it in a deluge or by consuming it by fire, or destroying it by pestilential maladies diffused in many places. Then he will bring back the world to its first beauty, so that this world may again be worthy of reverence and admiration, and that God also, creator and restorer of so great a work, may be glorified by the men who shall live then in continual hymns of praise and benedictions. That is what the rebirth of the world will be; a renewal of all good things, a holy and most solemn restoration of Nature Herself.”


*demiurge— noun: demiurge; plural noun: demiurges

 1. a being responsible for the creation of the universe, in particular.

  • (in Platonic philosophy) the Maker or Creator of the world.Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.
  • (in Gnosticism and other theological systems) a heavenly being, subordinate to the Supreme Being, that is considered to be the controller of the material world and antagonistic to all that is purely spiritual.


Frances_YatesDame Frances Amelia Yates (28 November 1899 – 29 September 1981) was an English historian who focused on the study of the Renaissance. In an academic capacity, she taught at the Warburg Institute of the University of London for many years, and also wrote a number of seminal books on the subject of esoteric history.

In 1964 she published Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition, an examination of the thought of Giordano Bruno which came to be seen as her most significant publication. In this book, she emphasized the role of Hermeticism in Bruno’s thought, and this the role that magic and mysticism played in Renaissance thinking.  She wrote extensively on the occult or Neoplatonic philosophies of the Renaissance. Her books Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition (1964), The Art of Memory (1966), and The Rosicrucian Enlightenment (1972) are major works. — (