Tag Archives: soul


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smiling face haiku

A Haiku (in the English language) is a short poem which uses imagistic language to convey the essence of an experience of nature or the season intuitively linked to the human condition. It is a development of the Japanese haiku poetic form in the English language.  Some of the more common practices in English include:  use of three lines of up to 17 syllables;  most commonly, 5, 7, 5.  Haiku uses an economy of words to paint a multi-tiered painting, without “telling all”.


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Jewel within the Lotus
Phallus and the Womb,
United we are, both of us,
The Source of Life Anew.
We are really No-Things
Beings joined with Form:
Animating Matter
The Cause of all that grows.
All creation springs from Love,
Heaven joins the Earth:
We are Souls united with the Flesh,
Death is joined with Life.
I am like Air.
You are like Fire.
A hearth is made in Our embrace.
Our loins the fuel, our kiss the spark,
We fan the Flame with Our desire.
Rising smoke from each caress,
Our Love the heat, Our Joy reflects
That through Our Seed, Our Souls are met:
through Our Cause we are Effect.
One reaches,
One withdraws.
Positive flows to negative,
In and out and ebb and flow
Are rhythms of this Universe.
One is born;
One grows old.
Life and Death are a single thread –
Binding Souls within the flesh
We can escape this slavish strife:
Awake! Fly! Be Your Immortal Soul!
We can transcend the Game of Life –
Create A Universe of Your Own!


— Lawrence R. Spencer —


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MONOPSYCHISMMonopsychism  [noun]  a doctrine that there is but one immortal soul of which individual souls are manifestations.    Etymology: from Greek monos, “alone” + psychē, “soul”.  [James R. Eads]

The belief that all humans share one and the same eternal consciousness, soul, mind or intellect. It is a recurring theme in many mystical traditions. Monopsychism is a doctrine of Sabianism, Jewish Kabbalah, and Averroism, and is also a part of Rastafarian beliefs. A similar belief in some mystical Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions is that all human beings have different souls but once composed a single unified soul.  (Wikipedia.org)