Tag Archives: life


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Arthur Conan Doyle’s son, Adrian, is interviewed about this father’s 35 year investigation into the subject of  life after death. (1968)

“Any truth is better than indefinite doubt. It was easier to know it than to explain why I know it. If I were asked to prove that there is a life after death, I might find some difficulty in it, and yet I am quite certain of the fact.”

— from the new book by Lawrence R. Spencer, SHERLOCK HOLMES – MY LIFE

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Radiant Flower

There is nothing more hopeful and blissfully ignorant than a beautiful child who has not yet realized (or remembered) the brutal realities of the physical universe.  A fresh, pristine sense of gentle joy permeates their Being….like a newly blossomed flower, flourishing in the energy of the sun, and, as yet, not scorched by it’s unrelenting heat.  What price would be pay to protect our innocent children, and ourselves, from reality?  And yet we survive.  We protect, sustain and defend.  We love, and then forget again….