Tag Archives: Rothschild


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PREY - PREDATORSymbiosis (from Ancient Greek σύν “together” and βίωσις “living”) is close and often long-term interaction between two or more different biological species.

Some of the most common and frequent symbiotic relationships examples are prey-predator and parasitism.

Parasitism is yet anther example of symbiotic relationship. The concept is fairly simple and it can be seen throughout nature. Mosquitoes for example, represent one form of parasitism. Other kinds can be seen in animals who have fleas and ticks.

Symbiosis can be a vital process for some species. A great example is Prey-Predator in which only one species can win the other being killed and annihilated.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that International BANKERS are anything more or less than Predators and Parasites.  These “creatures” are NOT the same species of animal as human beings. When a BANKER looks at you, he sees FOOD.  You are very carefully fed with “CREDIT” lies, false aspirations and false values to entice you into becoming a victim of the false economic institutions that literally CREDIT MONEY FROM NOTHING, and convince that it has “real value”.  Factually, what we call “money” is created from thin air by PARASITES AND PREDATORS who produce NOTHING of value and STEAL all of your possessions, your work and your future from you.

The common-sense approach to preventing yourself from becoming “food” in the mouths of bankers is to AVOID them, or EXTERMINATE them!






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Recently, (during the past 150 years) our country and planet have been taken over and are now controlled by private bankers:  The Federal Reserve Bank, the International Monetary Fund, etc., are all controlled, ultimately, by the Rothschilds and a tiny cabal of money manipulators, and power mongers.  Nearly everyone on the planet is affected by this “monopoly money” game, created and controlled to ensure that a few elite bankers have absolute Control, Power and Possession of the Earth.

It is easy to feel victimized and trapped by the global conspiracy of private bankers, and the political, religious and military goons they buy with their money printing presses. It is easy to blame or point the finger at politicians, who were entrusted to defend and protect us from financial and military conquest.  It is easy to empower others to control our lives.  We don’t have to think about anything except the personal gratifications, pleasures, drama and amusements we call our “life”.

However, if we are honest with ourselves, the situation is truly a “co-creation”.  We willingly entered into the money trap that has now overwhelmed us with debt, and perpetual slavery to the 1 %.  All of human history demonstrates that not much has really changed in this “game”.  The tiny minority of the “ruling class” have always controlled or possessed the “peasants”, the slaves, the workers, and all of the natural resources needed for survival.

Philosophically speaking, it seems that all traps — and the money / banking system is just another trap — cannot be sustained unless there are Beings who are willing or interesting in “playing the game”.   Investing in the stock market to make your money “grow” through speculation, is really VERY similar to gambling in a casino.  A person must be willing to enter into the game, or trap, because of their own, personal greed.  We willingly walk into the casino (trap) to play the game.  And, of course the “game” is fixed and rigged so that the casino (or stock broker, or banker, or priest, or politician, etc.) always win the game more often than the other players!

However, it is a game.  It solves the problem of being bored.  So, perhaps we are not really “victims” of the “evil” of financial slavery or conquest.  Perhaps we are really only talking about the idea of being RESPONSIBLE for becoming involved in different kinds of games.  If we examine how we actually became trapped in games or universes, perhaps we will discover that we really just trapped ourselves! We AGREE to become trapped or to play a game because we did not want to be responsible for creating or OWN game or universe.  We were not able or willing to just BE…. Beings want to DO something.  We like action, and motion and sensation and drama and not knowing what will happen next! We call it “fun”.  It is a game.  It is not boring.  Ultimately, the ONLY thing that any being is really doing is trying to NOT be bored!  So, any game is better than not having a game.  Any game is better than just “BEING”.  Being is boring…..


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overpopulationThe issue of human “overpopulation” of Earth is the subject of much debate.  The “Agenda 21” advocates insist that the human population must be reduced or, at least, controlled.  The “elite” (financially wealthy, greed-driven, Caucasian, self-appointed, Only Ones, Divinely Entitled, self-important, Entitled by Manifest Destiny of the One and Only God) insist that the optimum human population must be reduced and maintained at 500,000,000 people.  This is a number that “they” consider to be the optimum number of SLAVES required to serve their physical needs on Earth.   500 million slaves are required to “feed” the “1%” which, mathematically, must be no more than 5o,ooo multi-billionaires. According the “Agenda 21”, the United Nations program to reduce and control the world population, these are idea numbers.OverpopulationMythManhattanandNewZealandTheir argument for “population control” is that Earth cannot sustain the current and growing human population.  However, the “logic” of this fallacious propaganda is based on “artificially created scarcity”.  What are the lowest common denominator of unlimited survival resources?  Water. Food. Electricity.

Nikola Tesla invented and proved the REALITY of UNLIMITED, FREE, GLOBAL ELECTRICITY in 1888, and demonstrated this with the construction of the Wardenclyffe Tower: a method of broadcasting electrical energy without wires, through the atmosphere of Earth. With unlimited energy humanity could produce an unlimited food supply.  Unlimited clean water.  Unlimited communication.  Unlimited travel. This invention was purposefully and intentionally suppressed and destroy by J.P. Morgan.  Why? It could not be monetized and metered.  Therefore, his PERSON FINANCIAL CONTROL would be superseded and negated.  Financial backing of the TECHNOLOGY OF FREE ENERGY was withdrawn and prohibited.  Instead, the personal power and control of ONE person supplanted the survival of ALL HUMANITY.

wardenclyffeOil, coal, fossil fuels, gasoline, and internal combustion engines were funded and promoted for personal financial power and control by “The Elite”.  Who are the “elite”?  Bankers. JP Morgan championed and established (under the direction of the Rothschild Zionist Dynasty) an artificially created “fiat currency” system.  The Federal Reserve (Private Bank) Act was bludgeoned through the US Congress by Morgan and his minions.  Thereafter, the elimination and control of global human survival was curtailed, controlled and eliminated.  Fallacious and artificially contrived wars have been conceived and funded by Private Bankers to profit from manufacturing weapons, military conquest, murder and destruction for personal financial gain.OverpopulationMythManilaandTunisia

With unlimited FREE ENERGY, invented by Nikola Tesla, the oceans of the world could be desalinated! Unlimited food supplies could be cultivated in the vast deserts of the world.  And a myriad of illimitable resources for human survival could be conceived, created, built and sustained.

How many human beings, animals and plants could coexist, peaceably, on Earth if unlimited, uncontrolled FREE ENERGY were available?  You do the math.

We live on a planet that is carefully controlled and monitored by a Criminal Elite whose sole aim to to CREATE SCARCITY for their own personal financial power and control.  They lobby loudly, under the covert banner of “philanthropy” to reduce population, primarily of “Third World (non-Caucasian) nations.  Yet, they do not volunteer to reduce their own number, do they?

Therefore, it is logical and self-evident that the “humanitarian” solution to “over population” is to eliminate the BANKER population first. Any volunteers?


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The “immigrants” who sought freedom and opportunity in North America were our forefathers and fore-mothers (mostly Europeans) mixed with a relatively small number of slaves and slave labor from Africa and Asia. “Americans” inherited the legacy of their hard work, greed, murderous conquest of the indigenous natives, and desire to survive by overcoming all physical and financial obstacles.
Ideologically, “freedom” and “democracy” sounds reasonable. Historically, neither have ever lasted more than a few hundred years in any nation on Earth.
The Karma of our ancestors, and OUR actions in the present, seem to be moving our “civilization” toward the control of the Caucasian “elite” — a economic class, self-appointed as the “New World Order”. This tiny minority are international bankers, secret societies of criminals, perverts, pedophiles and global corporations who control mass-media, the US military and other hidden forces.
Socialism (just like in Russia and China) is coming to the US, enabled by money manufactured by Rothschild banks, made legal by a corrupt criminal class (Congress), propagandized by Hollywood, “the media”, enforced by the military / police and maintained by the “security state” (NSA, DARPA, CIA, HLS, et. al.) and global electronic surveillance apparatus of satellites, social media apps and drones.
Obviously, our “democratic elections” are a fraud and have no influence over who controls our government, economics or “freedom”.
I don’t know if “Americans” can change the “collective Karma” of accumulated atrocities our citizens have committed against the 100 million Indigenous people who were slaughtered between 1492 and 1910. Or, the millions of people US soldiers have killed in endless invasions of foreign nations around the world since 1776. The dead are dead. RIP.
However, we can still change ourselves as individual spiritual beings. We change our minds. We can change ourselves. We must continue to live into the future of Planet Earth. It could be a paradise, but it’s looking a lot more like Hell every day, unless stop agreeing with our past.