Tag Archives: money


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Genesis 1:26 ~ Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.”

“When money becomes the image of god bankers become the likeness of god and have dominion over the earth.”   – Lawrence R. Spencer


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Recently, (during the past 150 years) our country and planet have been taken over and are now controlled by private bankers:  The Federal Reserve Bank, the International Monetary Fund, etc., are all controlled, ultimately, by the Rothschilds and a tiny cabal of money manipulators, and power mongers.  Nearly everyone on the planet is affected by this “monopoly money” game, created and controlled to ensure that a few elite bankers have absolute Control, Power and Possession of the Earth.

It is easy to feel victimized and trapped by the global conspiracy of private bankers, and the political, religious and military goons they buy with their money printing presses. It is easy to blame or point the finger at politicians, who were entrusted to defend and protect us from financial and military conquest.  It is easy to empower others to control our lives.  We don’t have to think about anything except the personal gratifications, pleasures, drama and amusements we call our “life”.

However, if we are honest with ourselves, the situation is truly a “co-creation”.  We willingly entered into the money trap that has now overwhelmed us with debt, and perpetual slavery to the 1 %.  All of human history demonstrates that not much has really changed in this “game”.  The tiny minority of the “ruling class” have always controlled or possessed the “peasants”, the slaves, the workers, and all of the natural resources needed for survival.

Philosophically speaking, it seems that all traps — and the money / banking system is just another trap — cannot be sustained unless there are Beings who are willing or interesting in “playing the game”.   Investing in the stock market to make your money “grow” through speculation, is really VERY similar to gambling in a casino.  A person must be willing to enter into the game, or trap, because of their own, personal greed.  We willingly walk into the casino (trap) to play the game.  And, of course the “game” is fixed and rigged so that the casino (or stock broker, or banker, or priest, or politician, etc.) always win the game more often than the other players!

However, it is a game.  It solves the problem of being bored.  So, perhaps we are not really “victims” of the “evil” of financial slavery or conquest.  Perhaps we are really only talking about the idea of being RESPONSIBLE for becoming involved in different kinds of games.  If we examine how we actually became trapped in games or universes, perhaps we will discover that we really just trapped ourselves! We AGREE to become trapped or to play a game because we did not want to be responsible for creating or OWN game or universe.  We were not able or willing to just BE…. Beings want to DO something.  We like action, and motion and sensation and drama and not knowing what will happen next! We call it “fun”.  It is a game.  It is not boring.  Ultimately, the ONLY thing that any being is really doing is trying to NOT be bored!  So, any game is better than not having a game.  Any game is better than just “BEING”.  Being is boring…..

The Virus that Destroyed the Dutch Economy

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Famously, the tulip speculation that happened in the late 1600s brought down the Dutch economy. But did you know that it wasn’t botany that brought down Holland, it was virology? The thing that sent speculators into despair wasn’t a flower, but a virus.

Tulip speculation was rampant in Holland in the 1600s. Brought over from Asia Minor, the flowers enlivened the Dutch landscape. They were sought after just at a time when money was pouring in to the Dutch economy, preparing people to spend their new found wealth on silly things. Prices climbed high and fast, and entire businesses were sold or traded at auction for a single bulb. Anything that gave people the opportunity to make money in a single transaction was valuable in and of itself, so tulip bulbs became a sensible thing to speculate on, right up until they weren’t. Suddenly people realized that they didn’t have the intrinsic value that everyone seemed to believe they did, and prices collapsed. Everyone old enough to read this has seen a crash or two in their time, so we can’t look on with too much smug superiority.

Well, maybe a little. After all, they’re just tulips. They can’t do anything except make more tulips, which should, if anything bring the price of tulips down. There doesn’t seem to be a reason for that kind of price range.

It turns out, though, that there was something that turned tulips into gold. Some tulips turned out to have a special quality that sent their worth through the roof. Some tulips, for no apparent reason, erupted from a solid color into a swirled, feathery bloom that was incredibly exotic and beautiful. No one seemed to know why any single bulb did this, and no one was able to establish a pattern for the change. The trade turned from an exchange of pricey luxury items to speculating on eagle eggs, on the understanding that sometimes, for no readily apparent reason, an egg hatched a griffin instead of an eagle.

But there was a reason, and it was called the Tulip Breaking Virus, or mosaic virus. It was transmitted either by contact with the bulb of an infected tulip or by different species of aphids. It changes pigmentation by affecting the distribution of anthocyanin, a pigment that can appear different colors depending on the pH of its area.

Of course, since that wasn’t known at the time, the Dutch dumped everything from pigeon droppings to dish water on their bulbs, all the while keeping prized bulbs away from the aphids or the other tulips which might actually have gotten them to break.

Sadly, the virus did what viruses generally do — it killed the tulip after a few blooming seasons, driving up the price for a newly-broken bulb even higher. The virus turned tulips into lottery tickets , and so it was understandable that people paid too much for them. Semper Augustus, pictured to the left, was famous for being the most expensive bulb sold during the period. It cost 13000 florins, at a time when one could get a house and garden for a third of that price. But the rampant speculation one which bulb was a winner, mocked even at the time, could only be kept up for so long. The economy collapsed, and what caused tulips to break remained a mystery until the 1900s.

The Tulip Breaking Virus is one of the many four viruses that cause flower ‘breaking’ that are still around today, with other strains affecting lilies. Gardeners now are cautioned to watch for these once-priceless flowers, and carefully weed them out of any gardens. Since the collapse of tulip speculation and the rise of tulip agriculture, botanists have selectively bred ‘Rembrandt Tulips,’ which mimic the swirled colors of breaking — without the degenerative virus. The name comes from the famous Dutch painter, since many owners of broken tulips would pay artists to make permanent copies of their fragile purchases. The paintings, of course, tend to be the priceless things now.

 ( via i09 )

Top Image: Web Gallery of Art

Semper Augustus Image: Norton Simon Image

Via SGM and Yard Smart.


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Personally, I spent many years of my pre-retirement business career in the “branding” industry.  What I observed from this kind of work sickened my soul.  I finally quit, and resolved that being a “starving artist” is infinitely more gratifying than being a “corporate whore”, regardless of the paycheck.

My clients were corporations who wanted to influence people to pay money to buy their product or service.  Usually, any method, trick, gimmick, lie, and covert strategy that money can buy is acceptable in corporate “marketing”.  However, “transparency” or “truth” are NOT acceptable. The bigger and more powerful the corporations, governments, etc., , the less “truth in advertising”, is allowed.  It’s a kind of  unwritten law like “never let the other team know your game plan”, (or your true intentions).  Corporate marketing is an “us” against “them” of mind-control game.  A “brand” is an artificially contrived “false facade” of “acceptable lies”.  On Wall Street, and in corporations and governments it’s all, and only, about money and power.  No rules apply.

The following video investigates the subject of transparency in advertising, a talk given by Morgan Spurlock (who revealed that “McFoods” do NOT decay in his film “SuperSize Me“, and are, therefore, NOT food.)