Tag Archives: Morgan Spurlock


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Personally, I spent many years of my pre-retirement business career in the “branding” industry.  What I observed from this kind of work sickened my soul.  I finally quit, and resolved that being a “starving artist” is infinitely more gratifying than being a “corporate whore”, regardless of the paycheck.

My clients were corporations who wanted to influence people to pay money to buy their product or service.  Usually, any method, trick, gimmick, lie, and covert strategy that money can buy is acceptable in corporate “marketing”.  However, “transparency” or “truth” are NOT acceptable. The bigger and more powerful the corporations, governments, etc., , the less “truth in advertising”, is allowed.  It’s a kind of  unwritten law like “never let the other team know your game plan”, (or your true intentions).  Corporate marketing is an “us” against “them” of mind-control game.  A “brand” is an artificially contrived “false facade” of “acceptable lies”.  On Wall Street, and in corporations and governments it’s all, and only, about money and power.  No rules apply.

The following video investigates the subject of transparency in advertising, a talk given by Morgan Spurlock (who revealed that “McFoods” do NOT decay in his film “SuperSize Me“, and are, therefore, NOT food.)