Tag Archives: thought


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CREATURES OF NATURE3Equality is an idea that individual members of a mass of beings have equal rights to action, self-possession and thought.
Aristocracy is the unchallengable right of power, control and possession of an entitled few over subservient individuals.
In nature these ideas are pre-programmed into the essence and behavior of every living creature, according to their nature.
Humans beings are creatures of nature.

~ lawrence r. spencer ~


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Morbidus: an inflatable thought about the weight of creativity on individuals…..



Morbidus for IdN / Animation from Dvein on Vimeo.

Dvein together with Marc Teitler have created a colourful drama to celebrate the 100th issue of IdN magazine (http://idnworld.com/100/).

Direction & Animation: Dvein (www.dvein.com)
Music & Sound Design: Marc Teitler (http://www.marcteitlermusic.com)


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These are two important videos that reveal the fact that human thought directly influences the physical structure of our universe, including water.  Our bodies and brains are composed of about 80% water!  About 80% of our planet is water!  Laboratory experiments prove that negative, hateful, destructive vibrations, music, and  thoughts instantly change the structure of water.  The “memory” of the water structure is permanently altered by our thoughts and behavior.  The simple conclusion:  bad thoughts = bad water = bad body/brain = bad environment = bad life.  Good thoughts = good water = good life.