Category Archives: VERMEER REVEALED

Vermeer: Portraits of A Lifetime explores the life of the world famous Dutch artist, Johannes Vermeer. This book reveals observations that have never before been made about his paintings, his life, his friends and his family. Dedicated to revealing observations about the life and paintings of Vermeer, and the women featured in his painting — his family.


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iphone4_v_screen02-640I stopped watching television.  I refuse to be “dumbed down” by the “vast wasteland” of insidious drivel produced by the “mind-control media”.  I prefer to spend my time with great writers.  Like most writers I read a lot of books.  In recent years I have become a huge fan of audio books! I listen to at least one book each week on my iPhone.

Recorded books are read to you, sometimes by the authors themselves, such as Stephen King or Neil Gaiman, while you do the routine hands-free activities of daily living: driving, grocery shopping, riding a bicycle, jogging, walking, cooking, cleaning, washing dishes, eating and pooping.

There are thousands of recorded books available.  You can start by downloading a FREE AUDIO BOOK from

This is a list of 64 Audio books I personally enjoyed hearing during the last year (many for the 2nd or 3rd time):

The Riverboat Series (5 books) by Philip Jose Farmer

Shantaram: A Novel by Gregory David Roberts

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Series of 6 books, including “And Another Thing”) by Douglas Adams

The Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams

The Long Lost Tea Time of The Soul by Douglas Adams

Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams

Ecco Homo by Friedrich Nietzsche

Heresy by S.J. Parris

Prophecy S.J. Parris

Sacrilege S.J. Parris

Touch by Clair North

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Clair North

Escape from Camp 14 by Blaine Harden

Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla by Marc J. Seifer

My Inventions by Nikola Tesla

The Art of Happiness by Dalai Lama

Our Occulted History by Jim Marrs

Ubik by Phillip K. Dick

The Hair Potter Series (7 books) by J.K. Rowling

Hyperion by Dan Simmons

The Fall of Hyperion by Dan Simmons

The Domain Expeditionary Rescue Mission by Lawrence R. Spencer

Alien Interview by Matilda MacElroy

Kill Decision by Daniel Suarez

Daemon by Daniel Suarez

Influx by Daniel Suarez

Theft of Swords by Michael J. Sullivan

Hollow World by Michael J. Sullivan

The Republic of Pirates: Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean

Pirates and the Man who brought them down by Colin Woodard

Far Journeys by Robert Monroe

Tao Te Ching by Stephen Mitchell

Off to Be The Wizard by Scott Meyer

Spell and High Water by Scott Meyer

Seize The Night by Dean Koontz

Fear Nothing by Dean Koontz

Ashley Bell by Dean Koontz

Bag of Bones by Stephen King

The John Carter Trilogy by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

The Ocean at The End of The Lane by Neil Gaiman

The Graveyard Boo, by Neil Gaiman

Good Omens by Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman

Dune (Series of 7 books) by Frank Herbert



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I write or edit books for Spiritual Beings and about Spiritual Beings.  Personally, I think there is far too much literature in our culture that glorifies games played in the physical universe.  Foremost in importance of those games, we are told by play-writes, poets and other propogandists, are those being played by Beings who inhabit bodies.

However, as Spiritual Beings, we are most certainly not a physical object.  We may inhabit and animate the body — endow it with life — from time to time.  However, animating an object does not mean that one IS the object.  Western culture in particular enforces the false notion that each person IS a body.  This activity is a trick and a trap.  It is a method of control devised to enslave everyone, including the benefactors of slavery such as priests, politicians, bankers and other self-appointed aristocrats.  Thieves and tyrants like these are also Spiritual Beings, though they deny that reality to themselves, as well as those they pretend to ‘lead’.

I trust you will find some story, poem, or insight in my books that will help remind you  that you are the spiritual essence that is You.  I empathize with you, as we float on this mirage in space called Earth.  This is not our home.  Although we are not alone, I am sure that You are the Hand that guides You. I encourage you to remain true to yourself.  Be your own best friend.  We may endure that rest of Eternity alone, unless you  and I can find each other in the end — with or without a body.

— Lawrence R. Spencer

Books written, or edited, by Lawrence R. Spencer can each be previewed or purchased directly from the publisher in printed or electronic formats.  Click on the following link to see each of them individually: