Tag Archives: subjective


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The “history” of  the Western World has been written from the subjective point of view the forces that cooperated to destroy Germany in World War I and World War II, and the Rothschild bankers that financed them.  Historically, Germany has been the source of prodigious innovations in cultural, FDR 1934philosophic, engineering and scientific technology as well as military might.  As an citizen of the US, England, France, Russian and other “Allies” you and I have never been taught anything except that “Germany is Evil”.   Every textbook, every Hollywood film, every television show, every newspaper and magazine (all of which are controlled by Zionist Jews) tells us their version of “history” is true.  But, what if this “truth” is a lie, like 9-11?  What if it’s only half-truth?

However, if history is only written from the point of view of the “conqueror”, then only HALF of so-called “history” has been written!  Where are the history textbooks  written about the holocaust committed against hundreds of millions of vanquished and nearly extinct North, Central and South American Indigenous People by Caucasian Invaders from Europe?  What is the real history of the holocaust inflicted upon tens of millions of Africans who were invaded, captured and enslaved by white men?

What do you know about the past and current history of the German people?  What do we really know about the Third Reich?  What do we know about the current state of affairs in post World War II Germany?devastated-city-in-the-ruhr-valley

What can we learn about ourselves and humanity when we discover the “history” or subjective point of view of history told by the people who “succumbed” ?  If who know only HALF of the “history” we don’t the whole truth.

You may be very surprised and enlightened to discover, as I have, that there is a lot of “history” missing from our view of “history”.   I sincerely suggest that you take the time to read, with an open mind, a very excellent article “LIFE IN THE THIRD REICH” written by Friedrich Kurreck.   http://justice4germans.com/third-reich/


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In spite of vast numbers of “ghost sightings”, innumerable reports of “out-of-body experiences”, and “divine encounters” with gods or spirits, that pervades nearly all of prehistoric and recorded human history, I found only one underlying, unifying, indisputable, axiomatic common denominator that permeates all of this data:

Assuming that subjective reality, or beliefs, of individuals is acceptable evidence, there has been no universally agreed upon “proof” that “spirits” or gods or life-after-death based on physical evidence, circumstantial or subjective data.  There are several deductions I can infer from the lack of physical evidence that such things are real, and, if verified, may lead to a workable solution to many of the “mysteries” of Life, Universes and Other Stuff“:

In spite of an enormous collection of subjective, circumstantial “evidence” of spiritual activity on and around Earth, the existence, intentions and the activities of spirits remain hidden and mysterious.

Universally agreed upon proof of the existence of spirituality, based on subjective data, physical and circumstantial evidence are subject to conflicting vested interests, which has made such proof unattainable.

Collectively, these deductions beg the obvious question:
If spirits exist, why is there no “proof”?   The answer seems to be fairly obvious, at least to me:  Perceptions of spirituality are a subjective reality, unique and different for every individual.  Subjective reality does not require evidence or “proof”.  The proof is within you.

~ Lawrence R. Spencer. 2014 ~


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 Official Transcript of the U.S. Army Air Force

Roswell Army Air Field, 509th Bomb Group

SUBJECT: ALIEN INTERVIEW, 25. 7. 1947, 1st Session

“Before you can understand the subject of history, you must first understand the subject of time.  Time is simply an arbitrary measurement of the motion of objects through space.

Space is not linear.  Space is determined by the point of view of an IS-BE when viewing an object.  The distance between an IS-BE and the object being viewed is called “space”.

Objects, or energy masses, in space do not necessarily move in a linear fashion.  In this universe, objects tend to move randomly or in a curving or cyclical pattern, or as determined by agreed upon rules.

History is not only a linear record of events, as many authors of Earth history books imply, because it is not a string that can be stretched out and marked like a measuring tool.  History is a subjective observation of the movement of objects through space, recorded from the point of view of a survivor, rather than of those who succumbed.  Events occur interactively and concurrently, just as the biological body has a heart that pumps blood, while the lungs provide oxygen to the cells, which reproduce, using energy from the sun and chemicals from plants, at the same time as the liver strains toxic wastes from the blood, and eliminates them through the bladder and the bowels. 

All of these interactions are concurrent and simultaneous.  Although time runs consecutively, events do not happen in an independent, linear stream.  In order to view and understand the history or reality of the past, one must view all events as part of an interactive whole. Time can also be sensed as a vibration which is uniform throughout the entire physical universe.”


Excerpt from the transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW edited by Lawrence R. Spencer

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memory time“Time is a difficult factor to measure as it depends on the subjective memory of IS-BEs and there has been no uniform record of events throughout the physical universe since it began. As on Earth, there are many different time measurement systems, defined by various cultures, which use cycles of motion, and points of origin to establish age and duration.

Although time runs consecutively, events do not happen in an independent, linear stream. In order to view and understand the history or reality of the past, one must view all events as part of an interactive whole. Time can also be sensed as a vibration which is uniform throughout the entire physical universe.”   ~ Airl ~

Read more:  http://alieninterview.org/


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Definition of “sub·jec·tive”:



existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective ).
(Philosophy)  relating to or of the nature of an object as it is known in themind as distinct from a thing in itself.