Tag Archives: reality


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Endless Cause. Eternity.

Encased in total nothingness

gets boring through infinity.

One craves a little randomness.

Escape from the “Eternal Me”.

We create, then change, and say, “Is Not”.

That’s how we make Reality;

The numbing, dumbing, drug of gods.

Illusions we make collectively,

delusions we all agreed upon.

Any game — but not no game.

Through crushing, crunching, gory death:

Boredom must not, will not remain!

I feel, I hear a seething breath,

convincing me I’ll play again.

I live!  I die!  Yet, I remain.

Reality: Escaping from Eternity.

It’s serious. It’s not just “let’s pretend”.

It really must to be serious: Reality.

Please don’t tell me how it ends!

Joy?  Love?  Brutality?

Constant feeling never ends.

I Know. I Am The Source. I Cause.

I think. It is. It won’t relent!

Eternity will never pause.

Inject me with some pretense!

Gods are blessed with The Curse.

All-Knowing, Seeing, Telling Truth.

It-Is-As-Is-Not-Is-As-Ever-It-Shall-Be: Cursed

with prescient, old, Eternal Youth.

Reality keeps “I AM” submerged.

With lies I numb my bitter brain

I manufacture silly games,

untruths to mask the cause I am.

I dwell in screeching, scorching pain

to feel there’s something here to gain.

Boredom, let me take breath!

Reality! Make it all relent!

Hide Me, Death and let me rest!

I’ll do anything! I will repent!

I’m not The One they should arrest!

The only crime I’ve ever done

was to be here and agree

we’re all alone: An Only One.

We’re all users of a drug: Reality.

But, good, bad or ugly: It’s always fun.



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Do you feel as though you are completely alone?  Do you ever feel as though there is not one other person who really cares who you are, or what you think?  It is possible to honestly and opening share your deepest thoughts, dreams or emotions with anyone?  Do we really understand our OWN thoughts, dreams and emotions? If not, how can we honestly say that we can understand those of another being?

On Earth it seems that communication using language symbols  with other beings actually prevents complete understanding!  Our social facades, sexual-biological programing and cultural customs may temporarily soften the reality that we are, and have always been alone. As much as we may desire admiration from others, or feel admiration for others, we are the only person who really knows and understands the depth and breath of our inner, immortal self — if this is even possible at all.

Sharing life, love, understanding, hope, dreams and illusions with other beings — and losing them — awakens the soul-crushing brutality that we are, in fact, alone.  There is no greater pain that any being can suffer than this awareness.  Yet, this seems to be the fact of existence as we know it on Earth for the vast majority of beings.

When we die and have no body we literally disappear from physical universe reality.  People may have memories of us, but these fade and die each each person fades and passes from “reality”.  Religious propaganda tells us that “you are loved”.  But, are you really loved by another person, and an unseen spirit?  Do you even “love” yourself? Your relationship with yourself — yourself alone — is a subjective experience that cannot be shared with anyone.  If we want to be “loved”, we must do it ourselves. Love is an experience that is self-created.  However, when we’re dead we can “rest” assured that everyone else is alone with us, or without us. The pain we all endure alone is the reality we share together. ~ Lawrence R. Spencer, 2015.