Tag Archives: politicians


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The Queen of England is the “divine” embodiment of The Church and The State:  The Big Priest and The Big Politician combined!  (What a bargain, huh?)

The divine right of kings, (and QUEENS)  or divine-right theory of kingship, is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving his right to rule directly from the will of God. The king is thus not subject to the will of his people, the aristocracy, or any other estate of the realm, including (in the view of some, especially in Protestant countries) the Church. According to this doctrine, only God can judge an unjust king. The doctrine implies that any attempt to depose the king or to restrict his powers runs contrary to the will of God and may constitute a sacrilegious act.

The remote origins of the theory are rooted in the medieval idea that God had bestowed earthly power on the king, just as God had given spiritual power and authority to the church, centering on the pope. The immediate author of the theory was Jean Bodin, who based it on the interpretation of Roman law. With the rise of nation-states and the Protestant Reformation, the theory of divine right justified the king’s absolute authority in both political and spiritual matters. The theory came to the fore in England under the reign of James I of England (1603–1625, also James VI of Scotland 1567–1625). Louis XIV of France (1643–1715), though Catholic, strongly promoted the theory as well.

The “Divine Right” of royalty is bestowed during the coronation ceremony while the monarch is perched on a throne which houses the “STONE OF DESTINY“.  In origin, the Stone is believed to have been “Jacob’s Pillow”, referring to the Biblical story in which Jacob falls asleep on a stone and has a dream in which he sees angels descend and ascend to Heaven. It is during this mystical appearance that he utters the phrase: “How terrible is this place! This is none other then the house of the Lord and this is the gate of heaven.”

One tradition states that the stone Jacob used as a pillow at Bethel was then set up as a pillar and anointed with oil and that later, it became the pedestal of the Ark in the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. But that is just one strand of the legend.

Jacob’s story is also very similar to Wolfram von Eschenbach’s description of the Grail Stone… and it is not the only parallel. For one, Wolfram’s account speaks of a mythical stone, set somewhere on Earth, and equally links it with the ascent and descent of the angels. He also sees this Grail Stone as part of the Covenant between Mankind and God, not unlike the Jewish Ark of the Covenant. And it was this Ark that was the expression of the unity of the Jewish tribes, and their special bond with God.

The British Queen or King is, of course, even without the Stone, one of the few remaining heads of State that is also the Head of the Church. And thus, the Stone, whether real or merely symbolic, continues to play a key role in a tradition of sacred kingship, which in the 21st century has become extremely rare.  (Phillip Coppens)

If you are dim-witted enough to fall for all this “Divine” monarch baloney, you deserve what you get:  perpetual economic slavery, treachery, villainy and ruin.

God Save Us From The Queen!  

(for more details visit The Daily Mash —  http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/ )


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1984 has come and gone. The prophecy of George Orwell have been fulfilled.  Now we know, without any doubt, that wars are started by bankers and politicians to make a financial profit and to gain personal power for themselves.  In the United States there are no more wars of “defending oneself”.   (False Flags propaganda notwithstanding).  Since WW II  the ONLY reason any war was ever fought — and factually, during the last 5,000 years human history — was for the profit of private banks and corporations.  Don’t take my word for it.  Study the history of warfare.  Actually, there has always been a  “Big Brother” in every period of history from the Egyptians to the Rockefellers.  “Big Brother” is  the bankers and politicians — with the blessing of the priests.

However, they are NOT the people who load the shells, fly the planes, drop the bombs and pull the triggers that kill people.  They are spineless cowards who hide behind curtains and desks and rhetoric and secret police. It is each individual soldier who “is just doing his duty” that does the killing for the despicable slime we call our “leaders”.  Until soldiers refuse to become soldiers there will be perpetual wars. I refused to be inducted into the military in 1969, during the Vietnam War.  So can you now. All it takes is the balls to say the words: “HELL NO! I WON’T GO!” 

So what can “Big Brother” do to you?  Put you in prison? Shoot you in the head?  So what?!  Sacrificing your life is a small price to pay compared to relinquishing your personal responsibility to the whims of a pack of psychopathic power-brokers. It’s just a matter of time before the next person they’ll order you to kill is your own mother, brother and sister — in this lifetime or the next.  What goes around, comes around.

 Every time you “volunteer” to go out and kill people, or support the parasites who tell you it is your “duty” to murder the “enemy” they created for you,  you — not anyone else — are the killer.  I have heard a million reasons why it is OK to be a soldier.  As a way to earn a living, almost any job is less destructive, and more honest, than helping a Gang of War Profiteers to invade entire countries so Wall Street bankers and Corporate Arms manufacturers can make another billion dollars on selling guns to your “enemies”.  How many reasons can you think of to help “Big Brother” continue to slaughter millions and millions of people for their personal financial profit for the next 5,000 years? — Lawrence R. Spencer. 2012.


Watch the following video with footage from the Vietnam war:  notice who’s doing the killing and who’s safe back home in their offices: you guessed it, “Big Brother”.

Here is a quick less on how BIG BROTHER (“The Party”) keeps getting away with murder, theft and mayhem for their personal power and profit, at our expense:

“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know what no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.” George Orwell, 1984  — published in 1949.





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Do you really understand the shit you’re being told about the so-called “fiscal cliff”?  If you do not understand the how the system of private banks operate and who controls our money supply, you are being filled full of shit every day by your government.  The World Bank and Federal Reserve Banking system are controlled by Private Bankers (private corporations).  They lend money to individuals, corporations a government and charge interest.  The “money” the loan is just paper.  It isn’t backed by anything of value.  It’s just a bunch of numbers in a ledger.  The private banks are NOT controlled by any governments.  They are criminal rackets.

If you’re tired of paying more and more and more taxes every year to pay the interest on “loans” these criminal bankers make to governments, then we can do something about it.  The first step is to educate yourself about how the criminal private banking system works.  Where you know it or not you are a slave to private corporations called “banks”.  All of your “taxes” are spent to pay the “interest” on “loans” made to our government by private bankers.  This will continue to grow for the rest of your life and that of your grandchildren until we refuse to allow this criminal system to continue.  Here are a couple of introductory articles:




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False reality has been created through “the media”, under the control of the New World Order of banks and corporations. The agenda of these parasites and perverts is nothing less than a global-socialist-military-industrial police state. The price of membership in the brain-dead slave-society of the media mind-controlled “masses” is Freedom, Self-determination, and Spiritual Immortality.


False reality has been created through “the media”, under the control of the New World Order of banks and corporations.  The agenda of  these parasites and perverts is nothing less than a global-socialist-military-industrial police state.  The price of membership in the brain-dead slave-society of the media mind-controlled “masses” is Freedom, Self-determination, and Spiritual Immortality.