Tag Archives: magic


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“There is only one dogma in Magic: The visible is the manifestation of the invisible. The visible bears an exact proportion to the things which are inappreciable by our senses and unseen by our eyes.  Above, immensity: Below immensity! Immensity equals immensity. This is true in things seen, as in things unseen.”

after Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie, The Doctrine of Transcendental Magic.  From MORTALITY MECHANIC’S MANUAL by Lawrence R. Spencer


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The word “magic” derives via Latin magicus from the Greek adjective magikos (μαγικός) used in reference to the “magical” arts of the Persian Magi, or priests of  Zoroaster, the god Ahura Mazda.

Dictionary definitions of “magic”:

1) having or using special powers to make impossible things happen or seem to happen

2) having a special quality that makes something seem wonderful

3) Wonderful, amazing or incredible.

Etymology: magic (n.) from Old Persian magush, “to be able, to have power“.


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“Quantum physics tells us we animate into our lives whatever we place our attention upon. When we view “reality” through the lens of possibility… something new and magical can happen.” – Pam Grout

Animate– adjective:   possessing or characterized by life ( from from Latin, to give life to, from anima breath, soul)

Magicnoun:   any art that invokes supernatural powers (from Old Persian maguš or sorcerer)

Possibilitynoun:   a tentative theory about the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena