Tag Archives: humans


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In the following video actress Julia Roberts gives a dramatic performance as the voice of “Mother Nature”.  She says that “she” doesn’t need humans. Actually, I’m pretty sure that “Mother Nature” doesn’t even LIKE humans!  The Earth has been here for A LOT MORE than 4 and a half billion years, as the script for this promotional video for Conservation International suggests.  This number is just scientific superstition and babble.  If you believe this, you might as well believe that “god” created Adam and Eve.  If you have any questions about “evolution” and why humans are on Earth, read the book Alien InterviewSupport independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.


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(According to Earth “scientists”), genes are the fundamental units of inheritance in living organisms. Together, they hold all the information necessary to reproduce a given organism and to pass on genetic traits to its offspring.

Biologists have long debated what constitutes a gene in molecular terms but one useful definition is a region of DNA that carries that code necessary to make a molecular chain called a polypeptide. These chains link together to form proteins and so are the bricks and mortar out of which all organism are constructed.

Given this crucial role, it is no surprise that an ongoing goal in biology is to work out the total number of protein-coding genes necessary to construct a given organism. Biologists think the yeast genome contains about 5300 coding genes and a nematode worm genome contains about 20,470.

But the number for humans has been the subject of constant revision since biologists first began the task of estimating them in the 1960s. Then, they believed humans could have as many as 2 million protein-coding genes. But by the time the human genome project began in the late 1990s, the highest estimates put the number at 100,000 and the number has continued to shrink.

That’s an interesting result that is partly a reflection of the state of genomics. The human genome is by no means fully defined and biologists are still in the process of refining their gene models and withdrawing genes in the process.

Indeed, in the most recent update of the genome release, geneticists have withdrawn 328 of the 2000 genes that Ezkurdia, Tress and co identify as potentially non-coding.

And on this evidence, the human genome is set to get smaller still. “Our evidence suggests that the final number of true protein coding genes in the reference genome may lie closer to 19,000 than to 20,000.”

Which means that humans have fewer protein-coding genes even than nematode worms.

Geneticists long ago debunked the idea that more complex organisms require more genes. The water flea, for example, has 31,000 genes, the most in any animal, while the organism with the largest genome is thought to be the Paris jabonica, a rare flowering plant native to Japan.

The fact that the human genome is so parsimonious raises an interesting question. What exactly is it about the human genome that gives rise to our staggering complexity, in the brain for example, compared to other animals such as monkeys, worms or even water fleas?

A good answer to that question will win prizes!

Ref: arxiv.org/abs/1312.7111 : The Shrinking Human Protein Coding Complement: Are There Fewer Than 20,000


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Earth is like a casino where the rules of The Game are fixed.  You don’t have to play by “the rules”.  But, if you do decide to play, here are some tips and tricks to use until you lose. Everyone loses the Game of Life. Everything changes. Nothing remains. Remember who you really are. You create your Eternal Life.

Limit Your Losses

This is a golden rule of casino gambling.  Only risk money that you can afford to lose, and never borrow money to play with.

Know the Rules

Regardless of whether the rules are simple or not, it’s very important that you fully understand them before playing any game. It’s hard enough to win casino games to begin with, and it becomes even more difficult when you don’t understand how to properly play them.

Learn Some Strategy

Most casino games are primarily based on luck, but there are a few games that involve some strategy, too. It’s a good idea to learn the best strategies to use where relevant, as this can help you minimize “The House Advantage”.

Assume You’re Going to Lose

Assume you’re going to lose every time you play in the casino. You’ll be less likely to get upset when you do lose if you take this approach, and when you win, it will be a welcome surprise!

Quit While You’re Ahead

This is the only way you’ll ever win in a casino.

Don’t Chase Your Losses

This is another golden rule: there are going to be times when you are losing money in the casino, and you should never try increasing your stakes in order to recover the money you’ve lost. Just accept that luck isn’t on your side.

Don’t Drink Too Much

A drunken gambler is rarely a successful gambler, so make sure you stay sober enough that you can focus on what you’re doing.

Don’t Rely on “Betting Systems” (like religions, politics, stock markets, etc..)

No matter what anyone tries to tell you, there’s no betting system that will help you beat the casino. The house advantage will always be there, regardless of anything you do.

Don’t Be Rude to “The Dealers”

There’s absolutely no excuse for being rude to a dealer just because you’re losing money, and it could even lead to you being thrown out of “the casino” or being persecuted or killed!

Don’t Miss Out on the “Free Stuff”. 

“Free Stuff”  includes thinking your own thoughts and following your own dreams. HAVE FUN PLAYING YOUR OWN GAMES!