Category Archives: LIVES


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“FBI wiretaps have “given us the most powerful and persuasive source of all for seeing how utterly selfless Martin Luther King was,” as a civil rights leader, according to a leading civil rights scholar. “You see him being intensely self-critical. King really and truly believed that he was there to be of service to others. This was not a man with any egomaniacal joy of being a famous person, or being a leader,” said Pulitzer Prize-winning scholar David Garrow.

Hoping to prove the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was under the influence of Communists, the FBI kept the civil rights leader under constant surveillance.   The agency’s hidden tape recorders turned up almost nothing about communism.  But they did reveal embarrassing details about King’s sex life — details the FBI was able to use against him.  The almost fanatical zeal with which the FBI pursued King is disclosed in tens of thousands of FBI memos from the 1960s.  The FBI paper trail spells out in detail the government agency’s concerted efforts to derail King’s efforts on behalf of the civil rights movement.  The FBI’s interest in King intensified after the March on Washington in August 1963, when King delivered his “I have a dream speech,” which many historians consider the most important speech of the 20th century. After the speech, an FBI memo called King the “most dangerous and effective Negro leader in the country.”  (SEE COPY OF MEMO BELOW)

The bureau convened a meeting of department heads to “explore how best to carry on our investigation [of King] to produce the desired results without embarrassment to the Bureau,” which included “a complete analysis of the avenues of approach aimed at neutralizing King as an effective Negro leader.”

The FBI began secretly tracking King’s flights and watching his associates. In July 1963, a month before the March on Washington, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover filed a request with Attorney General Robert Kennedy to tap King’s and his associates’ phones and to bug their homes and offices.  In September, Kennedy consented to the technical surveillance. Kennedy gave the FBI permission to break into King’s office and home to install the bugs, as long as agents recognized the “delicacy of this particular matter” and didn’t get caught installing them. Kennedy added a proviso — he wanted to be personally informed of any pertinent information.”


"The most dangerous negro..."
“The most dangerous negro…”

The FBI File consists of  17,000 pages of materials about Martin Luther King, Jr.   The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted surveillance of Rev. King from 1958 until his death. Documents have been censored and many pages include blacked-out sections. Due to a court order any information about or from FBI wiretaps have been removed and will not be released until 2027. Because of the surveillance, this file constitutes an extensive record of Rev. King’s day-to-day activities.

The  King-Levison File consists of “verbatim transcripts and detailed summaries of telephone conversations between King and one of his most trusted confidants, Stanley D. Levison, a New York lawyer and businessman with whom the civil rights leader spoke on an almost daily basis for more than six years.”


The Martin Luther King, Jr. FBI File microforms collection consists of two parts, the FBI File and the King-Levison File.



FOR MORE REFERENCES, GOOGLE SEARCH “martin luther king jr and fbi”


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“… meet the young lady who fell from a star. She fell from the sky, she fell very far and Kansas, she says, is the name of the star …” – Glinda in ‘The Wizard of Oz’

“As an Egyptian child 3,000 years ago, you might have asked your mother, “Mommy, where did I come from?” She may have replied, “Well, dear, I think it was from Orion’s Belt.

According to hieroglyphic records, the stars of Orion’s Belt were the symbolic analogy to the “phallus” of the constellation of Orion upon which his sister/wife Isis (the star Sirius) would “rise above Orion” in the sky and “impregnate” herself. The union of these two constellations, gave birth to their “son”, the Egyptian god Horus, the seventh “Divine Ruler” of Egypt.

Celestial orientation was the Egyptian common denominator to an understanding of the Egyptian viewpoint of life on Earth, and life after death. The Egyptian priesthood worshiped the stars. The comings and goings of the gods were monitored by the stars. The calendar of days, holidays, festivals and harvests were determined by the stars. The rising of the star Sirius, also called the “Dog Star” because of its prominent position in the constellation of Canis Major, marked the beginning of the new year and is the entire basis for the Easter celebration as adopted by the Christians centuries after the fall of Egypt. The movements of the star Sirius monitored the entire Egyptian calendar.

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MYSTERIOUS SIRIUS375px-Canis_Major_constellation_map.svg

Sirius is actually a double star system. One of the stars is the brightest star in the sky visible from Earth. The other is a dark star, an extremely dense and heavy star, which is entirely invisible to the naked eye. (One teaspoon of matter from this star might weigh thousands of pounds on Earth). The dark star was not detected for the first time until 1970.

The triple star system of Sirius gained international notoriety during the late 1960s. Though never photographed until 1970, the dark star of Sirius was made known to a team of French anthropologists by a remote tribe living near Timbuktu in Northern Africa called the Dogon. The religious leaders of the Dogon knew all about these stars, including, mysteriously:

1/ The exact 50 year repeating pattern of the elliptical orbit of Sirius “B” around Sirius “A”.

2/ Patterns of orbital motion relative to each other (one star periodically blocks the view of the other as they revolve).

3/ The extremely small size, the tremendously dense and heavy mass and invisibility of Sirius “B”.

4/ The existence of the red dwarf star, Sirius “C”, which was not observed for the first time by modern astronomers until 1995.

5/ For more than a thousand years, the Dogon also knew about four other “invisible” bodies in our own solar system; namely, the four major moons of Jupiter which were not acknowledged in Western civilization until Galileo discovered them with his version of the telescope which had been invented the previous year, in 1608, by Hans Lippershey.


How could an obscure tribe of technically backward, uneducated people know so many factual details about a star system of which Western astronomers knew almost nothing?

This relatively primitive tribe of black Africans claimed that their ancestors were priests who had been driven out of Egypt in the very distant past. The secrets of these priests were closely held among the elders of their tribe. They claim that a race of beings with aquatic characteristics descended from a planet in the star system of Sirius. These being were called the “Nomos”. These beings are reported to have brought civilization to Earth about 5,000 years ago and then returned to the Sirius system. The Dogon say that the Nomos will return to Earth. The Dogon say that the detailed information they possess about the Sirius star system was given to them about 5,000 years ago by the beings who came to Earth from Sirius.

Robert TempleThe scientific, cultural, religious, mythological, astronomical and anthropological implications of the knowledge of the Dogon, and of the tremendous significance placed on Sirius by the Egyptian priests, is marvelously documented in the fascinating book by Robert K G Temple entitled, ‘The Sirius Mystery’. This book has inspired other innovative investigators to pick up the trail of the investigation into what was REALLY going on in ancient Egypt.

Egyptology has fascinated scholars and captured popular imagination for thousands of years. Why? Simply because it has been so mysterious!  Subjects that are easily investigated and understood rarely command much attention. And, there are few subjects as full of hidden meanings, esoteric innuendo and misleading anomalies as the hieroglyphic texts and architectural monuments of Egypt.

Despite decades of investigation, the theoretical posturing of Egyptologists have left many of the very basic elements of its mysteries unanswered. For example:

1/ What secret information did the priests of Isis and Osiris NOT share with the uninitiated layman?

2/ What knowledge did the priests and pharaohs possess, which empowered them with control over not only the affairs of state, but the wealth of the richest treasury in the world?

3/ Were the priests hiding something from the rest of the world?

Just as modern Western intelligence agencies have controlled knowledge to protect their special vested interests over the last thousand years, so did the priests of ancient Egypt.

The secret order of priests in Egypt possessed a very, very sophisticated knowledge of mathematics, architecture and astronomy, among other esoteric studies. In fact, most of the rest of the world learned almost everything they knew from Egypt, with the possible exception of the Sumerians, who had already built their own pyramid civilization before the Egyptians ever got started.”


Excerpt from THE OZ FACTORS, by Lawrence R. Spencer


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Marcus Aurelius (Latin: Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; 26 April 121 – 17 March 180 AD), called the Philosopher, was Roman emperor from 161 to 180.  He was the last of the rulers traditionally known as the Five Good Emperors. He is also seen as the last emperor of the Pax Romana, an age of relative peace and stability for the Empire. Marcus’ personal philosophical writings, often called Meditations, are a significant source of the modern understanding of ancient Stoic philosophy.

Here are a few quotations from Meditations

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”

“The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject.” ~ Marcus Aurelius

“You always own the option of having no opinion. There is never any need to get worked up or to trouble your soul about things you can’t control. These things are not asking to be judged by you. Leave them alone.” ~ Marcus Aurelius

“Do not be wise in words – be wise in deeds.” ~ Marcus Aurelius

“The things you think about determine the quality of your mind. Your soul takes on the color of your thoughts.” ~ Marcus Aurelius

“What we do in life ripples in eternity.” ~ Marcus Aurelius

“A person’s life is dyed with the color of his imagination.” ~ Marcus Aurelius

“Whoever values peace of mind and the health of the soul will live the best of all possible lives.” ~ Marcus Aurelius

“Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul.” ~ Marcus Aurelius

“Never forget that the universe is a single living organism possessed of one substance and one soul, holding all things suspended in a single consciousness and creating all things with a single purpose that they might work together spinning and weaving and knotting whatever comes to pass.”  ~ Marcus Aurelius

Listen to a FREE AUDIOBOOK edition of “Meditations”


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CURE FOR CANCERI’m sick.  I’m sick because I’m drowning in a toxic environment OF money motivated CORPORATION BULLSHIT in the U.S.!

The 6 hour Ken Burns documentary film about cancer aired on PBS at the end of March.  It was sponsored by many of the major cancer “research” companies, pharmaceuticals, health insurance, and fake-food mega-corporation who profit from the rampant grown of cancer in the cells of human beings. Essentially, it’s message is this: “there is no cure for cancer.  there never will be a cure.”

There will never be a “cure” brought to market because there just isn’t enough profit in eradicating the disease entirely.  There will never be a governing body that protects consumers from being subjected to known carcinogens, because that too, will stop the cash from rolling in. A great deal of research is covered up and many potential cures are ignored and discredited because there is far more money in perpetuating illness than in curing it. In 2012, the reported spending on cancer treatment was 124.6 billion dollars.  Blood money.

One of the biggest sponsors of the PBS film, along with the usual “vested interests”,  is Seimens Medical (Globally the company has 49,000 employees, most of them in Germany (comparing to 46,000 at GE Healthcare and 33,000 at Philips Healthcare) and 17.2 billion US-$ sales in 2007 (16.997 billion US-$ for GE).  They earn their living from the cancer industry.

It’s ALL about the money, and nothing but the money…..

Here is a website that reveals the actual Statistics behind the increase in cancer, and why there will never be “cure” in the United States.

Here are some quick stats for background:

  • Nearly half of all Americans will develop cancer in their lifetime. (source) Quick math tells us that is an astonishing 157 million victims.
  • Over half a million people in America died of cancer in 2012. (source)
  • In 2011, cancer was the #1 cause of death in the Western world, and #2 in developing countries. (source)
  • Cancer is the #1 cause of childhood death in the United States. (source)

This is a fairly recent increase.  A hundred years ago, the number was far different.  At that time, 1 in 33 people was stricken with the disease. And despite billions of dollars being spent to find “the cure”, the World Health Organization predicts that deaths from cancer will DOUBLE by the year 2030.

It’s being normalized.  The news is full of photos of babies who are missing an eye, of beautiful bald children who have lost their hair to chemo, and of people who have had to have body parts removed in order to survive a few more years.  But cancer is NOT normal. It isn’t something that “just happens”.  Researchers know the things that cause cancer.  Government protection agencies do too, but they do nothing to limit these toxins in the marketplace. Why?

Because, cancer is big business and those who are profiting have great financial interest in seeing the deadly trend continue to increase.  So what has changed?  How did we go from a  3% chance of contracting cancer to a 41% chance?

Ultimate ConspiracyIt’s the advent of Big Pharma, Big Agri and Big Business.  They are getting rich off of poisoning Americans through the manufacture of toxic elements that we are exposed to on a daily basis.  Unless you live in a bubble and have no contact with manufactured items, outside air, or the sun, you are exposed to a staggering number of known and suspected carcinogens every day. (Check out THIS LIST to see the known and suspected carcinogens that are readily available in the United States.)

The statistics support that the cumulative build up of all these different toxins in the human body eventually results in cancer in many people. First, the manufacturers and the “food” producers profit when we buy their poisoned goods.

Then the medical system and pharmaceutical companies profit when we become ill and must fight cancer. The drugs alone can cost over $100,000 per year, and that is on top of exorbitant costs for radiation, chemotherapy, and physician’s bills. In the United States, cancer is the #1 most expensive “per person” illness to treat. (source)

Why would those who profit want to prevent cancer when 95.5 BILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR is spent on treating it? There is a vested interest in this increase in illness and the people benefiting from it have no intention of reducing the cases of cancer.

Of course he was not paid to include any data about dozens of people who actually developed cures for cancer in the past 100 years who were assassinated, imprisoned, discredited or forced to leave the country by the AMA.  However, it is easy enough to “follow the golden brick road” to see where it leads.

On the other hand, here is a video on YouTube that got NO FINANCIAL support from ANY corporation.  It reveals an entirely different approach to diseases which produces uniformly successful results with cancer and most other diseases.  This is an interview on German TV by Jo Conrad with Harald Baumann about the causes of every disease and healing processes. Understanding these basic laws can release every fear of getting a disease, including cancer.