Tag Archives: mythology


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“I read the most excellent treatise and critique of that superstitious body of mythology written by the American revolutionary, Thomas Paine. Although Mr. Paine is not a popular fellow in Britain, having fathered the uprising against King George which resulted in the loss of the greatest possession ever claimed by the throne of England, he is nonetheless a man of preeminent intellect and prodigious reasoning ability.

His book, The Age of Reason; Being an Investigation of True and *Fabulous Theology, to my own system of logical assessment and evaluation represents the most thorough, factual and incontrovertible dissection of the Bible, which unfortunately serves our civilization as a guideline for survival.  After having read his preeminent work of logical vivisection upon the content of the Bible, and by abstraction, a commentary upon the paradigm of Western Civilization, it is no longer a mystery to me that humanity has endured so great an extent of war, misery, chaos, greed, destruction and mayhem inflicted by Western imperialism upon the Earth at the behest of, and with regal and religious blessings.

As for my personal observation and conviction concerning the matter of religion, I concur with the statement most ably stated by  Thomas Paine himself:

“I hope for happiness beyond this life. I believe in the equality of man; and I believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavouring to make our fellow-creatures happy.  I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish Church, by the Roman Church, by the Greek Church, by the Turkish Church, by the Protestant Church, nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church.

All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.  I do not mean by this declaration to condemn those who believe otherwise; they have the same right to their belief as I have to mine. But it is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe.”  

(Definition of the word “fabulous” — adjective:  based on or told of in traditional stories; lacking factual basis or historical validity)

— An excerpt from SHERLOCK HOLMES: MY LIFE, by Lawrence R. Spencer




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7122_56c5_640“While shepherds kept their watching
Over silent flocks by night,
Behold throughout the heavens,
There shone a holy light:
Go, Tell It On The Mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere;
Go, Tell It On The Mountain
That Jesus Christ is born.”

from the Christian song, “Go Tell It On The Mountain”. “Go Tell It on the Mountain” is an African-American spiritual song, compiled by John Wesley Work, Jr., dating back to at least 1865, that has been sung and recorded by many gospel and secular performers. It is considered a Christmas carol because its original lyrics celebrate the Nativity of Jesus  (Wikipedia.org)

bloody child birth

I don’t care who you are.  I don’t care what a bunch of superstitious sheep herders say.  Birth is bloody and painful!  If you are inhabiting a biological body on Earth, your mother sacrificed her body and her life to bear you and feed you with her tits (or a bottle) and work her ass off to support and clothe you until you were old enough to take care of yourself!  The TRUTH is that this “religious holiday” should be a celebration and admiration of MOTHERS!  In spite of ancient superstitions, and patriarchal propaganda, Jesus (if the guy ever really existed) inhabited a biological body that was produced by a women who fucked a man and got pregnant and gave birth to a stinking, screaming baby body, just like everyone else on this god-forsaken planet!


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Artistic Mythology incorrectly attributes the statement, “Beware of artists….” to Queen Victoria.  Artists often consider themselves to be “revolutionaries” whom the wealthy and powerful “royalty” of Earth should fear.  So, they adopted this statement as a “battle cry” against tyranny of the state and persecution of the “artist”.

Factually, Queen Elizabeth,  did not make this statement, although she most likely shared the sentiment with her Uncle, King Leopold II of Belgium, who expressed it in a similar statement (below).   In reality, artists are seldom revolutionaries, and are the most likely to be paid whores and propagandists in service of  the “royal agenda”.  For example, how many Hollywood films have you seen that are threatening  to the rich and powerful, much less “revolutionary”?  (Answer = 0 )


(Leopold II — King of Belgium,  like Queen Victoria, were members of the self-appointed “royal family” who are Caucasian, Fascist, Imperialists.   Unfortunately, they are worshiped by the peasants, and glorified by artists, who empower them to invade, murder and enslave other people, life forms, property and natural resources of Earth for personal financial gain, power and control.)


Leopold II (9 April 1835 – 17 December 1909) was the King of the Belgians, and is chiefly remembered for the founding and exploitation of the Congo Free State.  

Queen Victoria (24 May 1819 – 22 January 1901) was the monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Empress of India from 20 June 1837 until her death.

A letter to Queen Victoria of England  from her Uncle, The King of the Belgians, 10th October 1845:

“My Dearest Victoria, —

. . . All you say about our dear Albert, whom I love like my own child, is perfectly true. The attacks, however unjust, have but one advantage, that of showing the points the enemy thinks weakest and best calculated to hurt. This , being the case, Anson, without boring A. with daily accounts which in the end become very irksome, should pay attention to these very points, and contribute to avoid what may be turned to account by the enemy. To hop to escape censure and calumny is next to impossible, but whatever is considered by the enemy as a fit subject for attack is better modified or avoided. The dealings with artists, for instance, require great prudence; they are acquainted with all classes of society, and for that very reason dangerous; they are hardly ever satisfied, and when you have too much to do with them, you are sure to have des ennuis  (trouble) . . .Your devoted Uncle,Leopold R.”    (excerpt from “The Letters of Queen Victoria, a Selection from Her Majesty’s Correspondence Between the Years 1837 and 1861″)


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is a link on Wikipedia to a list of HUMAN-HYBRID creatures from “mythology”. There are hundreds or even thousands of such creatures all over the world. Are these creatures “fiction” or historical?  Human “scientists” have not had enough time, YET, to perfect the technology of biological engineering, as revealed in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW. needed to create them?


According to an article by researcher Mark Oliver, the “scientific” community is working on creating human hybrids now:

“In laboratories around the world right now, scientists are at work developing real half-human, half-animal hybrids.

It might sound like something out of science fiction, but combining human and animal DNA isn’t the fantasy of some far-flung future. It’s something that scientists have already done several times—and it’s forcing us to reckon with ethical questions we never thought we’d have to consider.

According to the scientists, the part-human animals they’ve created will do nothing but good. They’re a scientific breakthrough that’ll let us run medical experiments and procedures on something they consider less than human.

But we’ve yet to decide where the line between man and animal will be drawn. It’s still an open question: Are these creatures mutated animals—or the beginning of something more human?


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“Doubtless the original formulators of the divine myths never dreamed that there would come a time so degenerate in reflective capacity that the products of their allegorical genius would be mistaken for the body of reality itself; that the diaphanous character of their imagery would fail to be apparent; that spiritual vision could not penetrate the symbols. They could not have guessed that the allegories and dramas would be taken for objective factuality and the dramatis personae for living humans, or that their ideal world of living imagery would become frozen in ostensible history.  This development represents the wine and bread of an exalted conscious potential turned to stone.”  — Alvin Boyd Kuhn

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Alvin Boyd Kuhn (September 22, 1880 – September 14, 1963) was an American Theosophist. A publisher who wrote books that he published himself and a lecturer, he was a proponent of the Christ myth theory.

Born in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, Kuhn studied the Ancient Greek language at university. He obtained his B.A. in 1903 and started his career working as a language teacher in high schools. He enrolled in summer sessions at Columbia University in 1926 and 1927, and then quit teaching to devote to full-time studies in 1927. His thesis, Theosophy: A Modern Revival of the Ancient Wisdom was, according to Kuhn, the first instance in which an individual has been “permitted” by any modern American or European university to obtain his doctorate with a thesis on Theosophy. Kuhn later expanded his thesis into his first book of the same name in 1930. After obtaining his Ph.D. in 1931, he returned to teaching for one year, but then spent the next 30 years writing, lecturing, and running his own publishing house, Academy Press in Elizabeth, New Jersey.

Highly influenced by the work of Gerald Massey and Godfrey Higgins, Kuhn contended that the Bible derived its origins from other Pagan religions and much of Christian history was pre-extant as Egyptian mythology. He also proposed that the Bible was symbolic and did not depict real events.” — Wikipedia.org