Category Archives: POETIC NONSENSE

Poetry by Lawrence R. Spencer. Poetic nonsense by Lawrence R. Spencer and others. Haiku poems by Lawrence R. Spencer.


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When I focus too much attention on human activities I become more and more crazy, hateful, depressed and hopeless about the “condition of the world”. It seems as though most of the agony, despair, chaos and destruction in this world is created by people!  However, I also realize that it is not correct to make a general statement about “everyone” or all people. The source of misery and chaos is just a TINY NUMBER of psychopathic beings. I think it is less than 5%. It is their psychosis that drives them them to CONTROL and DESTROY everything and everyone. They are only able to destroy. They are incapable of creation.
Beings who create Life create beauty, love, kindness, empathy, pleasure, patience, prosperity, abundance for themselves and everyone else. They create a very high wave frequency of energy…the wave frequency that can only be experienced as aesthetics – music, painting, dancing. Or, experienced as “love”, reverence, awe, perfect harmony, profound understandings, empathy, or through Acts of Creation usually attributed to “gods”.
I am realizing more and more recently that people actually GIVE POWER to psychopaths by putting attention on them, or by allowing them to continue creating harm. Having a biological body makes people dependent on the need for physical energy, food, housing, clothing, heat, etc.. So, the psychopaths always take control of the “sources of energy” by creating “money”. They also create “fear of death”.  When humans sink so low spiritually they forget they are SPIRITS and and they don’t need a body…so they are afraid of death because they think that “when the body is dead, I am also dead”.
This is the most fundamental lie and trap used by all psychopaths, including priests and bankers.
I know that you understand these things.  But, I always try to remind myself that I am “spirit”…. and that spirits create the energy we perceive and share with other spirits. The “realm of spirits” is apparently infinite and is limited only by our ability to create and perceive.
~ Lawrence R. Spencer (2019)


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This seven minute animated film is a masterpiece of visual artistry combined with powerful political and spiritual imagery and insight.  The title “I, Pet Goat II” is somewhat inappropriate to the spiritual context of the film, as it is a reference to the title of the book that “W” was reading to school kids while his co-conspirators blew up the World Trade Center as a False Flag operation to justify military invasion, political tyranny and financial ruin. However, this film is a much broader commentary on the current state of Mankind, both as homo sapiens and as spiritual entities.  I trust you will enjoy it. as I have. — LRS

Visit the website of the creators of the film and read their commentary:


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Jetsun Milarepa  (c. 1052 – c. 1135 CE) is generally considered one of Tibet’s most famous yogis and poets.

Milarepa is famous for many of his songs and poems, in which he expresses the profundity of his realization of the dharma. Through the illustration of his own life, Milarepa set for all Buddhists an example of the perfect Bodhisattva, and a model of the incorruptible life of a genuine practitioner of Buddhist Tantrism. His life is an unmistakable testimony to the unity an interdependency of all Buddhist teachings – Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana – for Buddhahood is not attainable if any of the three is lacking. He made it clear to all that poverty is not a kind of deprivation, but rather is a necessary way of emancipating oneself from the tyranny of material possessions; that Tantric practice by no means implies indulgence and laxity, but hard labor, strict discipline, and steadfast perseverance; that without resolute renunciation and uncompromising discipline, as Gautama Buddha Himself stressed, all the sublime ideas and dazzling images depicted in Mahayana and Tantric Buddhism are no better that magnificent illusions.