Tag Archives: sun


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A Haiku (in the English language) is a short poem which uses imagistic language to convey the essence of an experience of nature or the season intuitively linked to the human condition. It is a development of the Japanese haiku poetic form in the English language.  Some of the more common practices in English include:  use of three lines of up to 17 syllables;  most commonly, 5, 7, 5.  Haiku uses an economy of words to paint a multi-tiered painting, without “telling all”.


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Radiant Flower

There is nothing more hopeful and blissfully ignorant than a beautiful child who has not yet realized (or remembered) the brutal realities of the physical universe.  A fresh, pristine sense of gentle joy permeates their Being….like a newly blossomed flower, flourishing in the energy of the sun, and, as yet, not scorched by it’s unrelenting heat.  What price would be pay to protect our innocent children, and ourselves, from reality?  And yet we survive.  We protect, sustain and defend.  We love, and then forget again….