Tag Archives: Neil Gaiman


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writing One contemporary writer who inspired me to write books is Neil Gaiman.  I’ve never had the honor of meeting him personally.  However, I’ve read many of his books. To that degree I feel as though I can perceive and share the essence of who he is, as a spiritual being.  His books, American Gods, Anansi Boys, Neverwhere and The Graveyard Book are among my favorites. His books are marvels of mythological wit and wisdom.

MarkTwainsAutobiographyLikewise, I never met Mark Twain personally.  However,  I’ve read nearly all of his books, including the 1,496 page Autobiography of Mark Twain. Through his words he purveys his personal passion and pain; convictions about life, joy and empathetic anguish. Through his words, I discovered the tragedy of his realization, late in his life, that human existence is an ironic comedy of  cruelty, stupidity and despair.  Laugh or cry: it’s all the same.

I have been asked by several people: “How do you write books?”.

My advise is simple:

1) Live your life and be true to your own observations.

2) Write about what you know and believe in your soul.

3) Read the minds of Great Thinkers through their books.

The two profound and prolific writers I site above are exemplary (as well as hundreds of other literary masters too numerous to name individually), to wit:

4) Think and communicate your thoughts one word at a time in writing. Continue until you die.

May you survive in perpetuity through your words!