Tag Archives: Federal Reserve Act


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A quote from Chapter One of the book by Judge Louis D. Brandeis, published in 1913 “OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY AND HOW BANKERS US IT”

President Wilson, before he was President, said in 1911:

“The great monopoly in this country is the money monopoly. So long as it exists our old variety and freedom and individual energy of development are out of the question.  A great industrial nation is controlled by it’s system of credit.  Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men, who, even if their actions be honest and intended for the public interest, are necessarily concentrated upon the great undertakings in which their own money in involved and who, necessarily, by every reason of their own limiations, chill and check and destroy genuine economic freedom. This is the greatest question of all: and to this, statesmen must address themselves with an earnest determination to serve the long future and true liberties of men.”

In short, the Jewish Banking Establishment took over the United States money supply with the passage of the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT in 1913.

The Federal Reserve Act (ch. 6, 38 Stat. 251, enacted December 23, 1913, 12 U.S.C. ch.3) is an Act of Congress that created and set up the Federal Reserve System, the PRIVATE BANK of the United States of America, and granted it the legal authority to issue Federal Reserve Notes (now commonly known as the U.S. Dollar) and Federal Reserve Bank Notes as legal tender.

The Act was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson.

(JP Morgan had arranged the assassination of ALL of the opponents of the Federal Reserve Act when he had his ship, THE TITANIC, crashed and sunk.  See previous post:  https://lawrencerspencer.com/2012/04/06/titanic-assassination-by-sinking/


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Don’t waste your time with who is going to become the next PUPPET PRESIDENT.  Learn about who REALLY owns and runs the USA.  The late American historian, Eustice Mullins, revealed the research behind his book about the origins of the Federal Reserve Act.  The Federal Reserve System is not Federal; it has no reserves; and it is not a system, but rather, a criminal syndicate. It is the product of criminal syndicalist activity of an international consortium of dynastic families comprising what the author terms “The World Order“.

In his Foreword to The Secrets of the Federal Reserve Mullins explains the circumstances by which he came to write his now famous investigation into the origins of the Federal Reserve System:

In 1949, while I was visiting Ezra Pound who was a political prisoner at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Washington, D.C. (a Federal institution for the insane), Dr. Pound asked me if I had ever heard of the Federal Reserve System. I replied that I had not, as of the age of 25. He then showed me a ten dollar bill marked “Federal Reserve Note” and asked me if I would do some research at the Library of Congress on the Federal Reserve System which had issued this bill. Pound was unable to go to the Library himself, as he was being held without trial as a political prisoner by the United States government. After he was denied broadcasting time in the U.S., Dr. Pound broadcast from Italy in an effort to persuade people of the United States not to enter World War II. Franklin D. Roosevelt had personally ordered Pound’s indictment…[15]

After telling Pound that he had little interest in such a research project because he was working on a novel,

Pound offered to supplement my income by ten dollars a week for a few weeks. My initial research revealed evidence of an international banking group which had secretly planned the writing of the Federal Reserve Act and Congress’ enactment of the plan into law. These findings confirmed what Pound had long suspected. He said, “You must work on it as a detective story.”[16]

Mullins completed the manuscript during the course of 1950 when he began to seek a publisher. Eighteen publishers turned the book down without comment before the President of the Devin-Adair Publishing Company, Devin Garrett, told him, “I like your book but we can’t print it…Neither can anybody else in New York. You may as well forget about getting the […] book published.”[17]

Eventually the book was published by two of Pound’s disciples, John Kasper and David Horton, under the title Mullins on the Federal Reserve.

In Mullins on the Federal Reserve (1952), (the updated edition published in 1983 was called Secrets of the Federal Reserve) Mullins argued that there was a conspiracy among Paul Warburg, Edward Mandell House, Woodrow Wilson, J.P. Morgan, Benjamin Strong, Otto Kahn, the Rockefeller family, the Rothschild family, and other European and American bankers which resulted in the founding of the U.S. Federal Reserve System. He argued that the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 defies Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 5 of the United States Constitution by creating a “central bank of issue” for the United States. Mullins went on to claim that World War I, the Agricultural Depression of 1920, the Great Depression of 1929 were brought about by international banking interests in order to profit from conflict and economic instability. Mullins also cited Thomas Jefferson‘s staunch opposition to the establishment of a central bank in the United States.

In the 1983 edition of his book, he argued that Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and the House of Morgan were fronts for the Rothschilds. In this edition, he also outlined how financial interests connected to the J. Henry Schroder Company and the Dulles brothers financed Adolf Hitler (in contrast to the claims of his mentor, Ezra Pound, that Hitler was a sovereign who was completely against the interests of international finance[18] ). He also alleged that the Rothschilds were world monopolists. He furthermore claimed that most of the stock of member banks that owned stock in the Federal Reserve was owned by City of London bankers, since they owned much of the stock of the member banks. He attempted to trace stock ownership, as it changed hands via mergers and acquisitions, from the inception of the Federal Reserve in 1913 to the early 1980s.[19]

In the last chapter of the book, he noted various Congressional investigations, and criticized the immense degree of power that these few banks who owned majority shares in the Federal Reserve possessed. He also criticized the Bilderberg Group, attacking it as an international consortium produced by the Rockefeller-Rothschild alliance. In an appendix to the book, he delved further into the City of London, and criticized the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, which he claimed helps to conduct psychological warfare on the citizens of Britain and the United States.

A central theme of Mullins’ book is that the Federal Reserve allows bankers to monetize debt, creating it out of nothing by book entry, and thus they have enormous leverage over everyone else. Near the end of the book, he said of the Federal Reserve:

The Federal Reserve System is not Federal; it has no reserves; and it is not a system, but rather, a criminal syndicate. It is the product of criminal syndicalist activity of an international consortium of dynastic families comprising what the author terms “The World Order”. The Federal Reserve system is a central bank operating in the United States. Although the student will find no such definition of a central bank in the textbooks of any university, the author has defined a central bank as follows: It is the dominant financial power of the country which harbors it. It is entirely private-owned, although it seeks to give the appearance of a governmental institution. It has the right to print and issue money, the traditional prerogative of monarchs. It is set up to provide financing for wars. It functions as a money monopoly having total power over all the money and credit of the people.

Eustace Mullins dedicated Secrets of the Federal Reserve to George Stimpson and Ezra Pound.

Mullins wrote a follow up to his work on the Federal Reserve in 1985, in a book called The World Order: A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism,[20] updated in 1992 as The World Order: Our Secret Rulers. He argued that the Federal Reserve and other central banks were tools of a “Rothschild World system”, centered in the City of London, which extended its power through organizations like the Royal Institute of International Affairs, various foundations, corporate conglomerates, intelligence agencies, etc. He proposed that Nations were not really governing powers, but rather, that the world was parasitically controlled by this interlock of banks, foundations, and corporations, which acted as a unified force, tending towards World monopoly. He furthermore proposed that this oligarchical apparatus was controlled by corrupt, dynastic families that had accumulated their wealth through trade in gold, slaves, and drugs. He claimed that as this consortium furthered its monopolistic ambitions, it would seek the establishment of a World Culture, eradicate nationalism, impoverish everyone except themselves, and progressively turn the world into a police state.


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The sinking of the titanic (owned by J.P. Morgan) was ‘the tip of the iceberg’.  The titanic sinking pulled off 4 of  the greatest criminal plots in history — all at the same time!

1) with the sinking of the ship, JP Morgan murdered all of his business competition at once — 3 of the 4 wealthiest men in the world — all of whom opposed the Federal Reserve Act that would give Morgan control of the entire money supply of the United States.

2) squashed the invention of “free energy” by Nikola Tesla ensuring private control of energy revenue forever, i.e. oil, coal, gas, electricity, etc..

3) guaranteed the passage of the “Federal Reserve Act” to establish his private bank and control all of the gold, money supply and property of the united states.

4) saved his ‘White Star’ ship line from bankruptcy by collecting a fraudulent insurance payment on the titanic.

PHOTO  — (1st Row: JP Morgan, Joseph Bruce Ismay, John Jacob Astor and Benjamin Guggenheim. 2nd Row: The Federal Reserve and the Titanic)

As youngsters, we’re all told the infamous story of the Titanic, the supposedly indestructible ship that sunk on its maiden voyage. We’re all familiar with the story: the ship left Southampton, England, headed for New York City on April 10, 1912.


Four days into the voyage, at 11:40pm on April 14, 1912, the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank at 2:20am, “resulting in the deaths of 1,517 people in one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters in history [12].”

Bad luck, we’re all led to believe. No one saw the iceberg and so the infallible ship sank. Bummer…

But few of us ever think that through. Forget, for a moment, the story we’re all fed. Does it make sense? My point is that just because we’re told a story when we’re young, doesn’t mean we should simply accept it as absolute truth.

Let’s take a look at some of the facts surrounding the sinking of the Titanic:

As youngsters, we’re all told the infamous story of the Titanic, the supposedly indestructible ship that sunk on its maiden voyage. We’re all familiar with the story: the ship left Southampton, England, headed for New York City on April 10, 1912. Four days into the voyage, at 11:40pm on April 14, 1912, the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank at 2:20am, “resulting in the deaths of 1,517 people in one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters in history [12].”

Bad luck, we’re all led to believe. No one saw the iceberg and so the infallible ship sank. Bummer…

But few of us ever think that through. Forget, for a moment, the story we’re all fed. Does it make sense? My point is that just because we’re told a story when we’re young, doesn’t mean we should simply accept it as absolute truth.

Let’s take a look at some of the facts surrounding the sinking of the Titanic:

1. The unsinkable Titanic sunk…on its maiden voyage. How could this unsinkable ship sink? On its first trip, no less! That alone is quite remarkable/intriguing.

2. “Captain E.J. Smith ignored multiple iceberg warnings from his crew and other ships.” Getting from England to New York as fast as possible was goal number one, at the behest of his boss, Joseph Bruce Ismay, Managing Director of the White Star Line. Ismay had pressure from his boss, J.P. Morgan, owner of White Star Line [3]. By the way, Ismay survived the catastrophe.

3. Speaking of J.P. Morgan, he had his very own private suite and promenade deck on the Titanic. He was supposed to be on that fateful maiden voyage but canceled passage [8]. Coincidence or part of Morgan’s plan?

4. Once the Titanic struck the iceberg, the captain and his crew used white flares to signal distress. Unfortunately,white flares are not the color used to signal distress; red flares are always used to show distress. So the closest ship, the Californian, ignored the flares, assuming it was a celebratory signal, rather than an emergency [7]. Oops…

5. “All ships must carry sufficient lifeboats for the number of passengers on board. The Titanic did not [7].”

6. “About three million rivets were used to hold the sections of the Titanic together. Some rivets have been recovered from the wreck and analysed. The findings show that they were made of sub-standard iron. When the ship hit the iceberg, the force of the impact caused the heads of the rivets to break and the sections of the Titanic to come apart. If quality iron rivets had been used, the ship may not have sunk [7].”

7. “The belief that the ship was unsinkable was, in part, due to the fact that the Titanic had sixteen watertight compartments. However, the compartments did not reach as high as they should have. White Star Line did not want them to go all the way up because this would have reduced living space in first class [7].”

8. Killed on the sinking ship — along with 1,514 other people — were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss and John Jacob Astor. Astor was, at the time, believed to be the wealthiest man on the planet. Guggenheim and Strauss weren’t far behind Astor. And these three powerful men opposed the Federal Reserve.

jp-morgan-strikes(PHOTO LEFT)  An angry JP Morgan yelling at photographers. He hated having his picture taken.As an aside to the above facts, let’s take a look at an additional dimension to the dynamic between J.P. Morgan and John Jacob Astor. Both Morgan and Astor invested large sums of money in the brilliance of Nikola Tesla, a genius inventor who gained notoriety during the late 19th/early 20th century. Morgan’s primary concern with Tesla was making money. Astor and Tesla, however, were good friends [9].

Col. John Jacob Astor, owner of the Waldorf-Astoria, held his famous dining-room guest [Tesla] in the highest esteem as a personal friend, and kept in close touch with the progress of his investigations. When he heard that his researches were being halted through lack of funds, he made available to Tesla the $30,000 he needed in order to take advantage of Curtis’ offer and build a temporary plant at Colorado Springs[11].”

So what was the big deal about Tesla? Well, “Tesla had claimed to be able to send electrical energy without wires before the turn of the century, and he envisioned people all around the globe sticking rods into the earth to extract that energy — free …. After Tesla admitted to financier J.P. Morgan that an experimental tower on Long Island was meant to send power as well as message, his public career ended …. Corporate moguls who were interested in creating monopolies and metering electrical power blackballed him [10].”

Now let’s take a look at a few of the above facts that, when taken together, may paint quite a different picture of the tragedy of the Titanic:

1. J.P. Morgan owned White Star Line ships. J.P. Morgan was also the main conspirator behind the creation of the Federal reserve banking system. He was supposed to be on the ship but canceled at the last moment.

2. John Jacob Astor, along with Benjamin Guggenheim and Isa Strauss, were three very wealthy and powerful men, all of whom were vehemently against the creation of the Federal Reserve, and were quite outspoken on the matter. Morgan viewed Astor and Co. as a huge obstacle. These three men died when the Titanic — a ship built by J.P. Morgan’s White Star Line — hit that infamous iceberg and sank.

3. J.P. Morgan and John Jacob Astor both funded Nikola Tesla, who created a way to generate an infinite amount of electrical energy. Tesla planned to allow people to access that energy for free, but Morgan squashed Tesla because he wanted to profit from energy, not give it away. Astor, Tesla’s good friend, seemed to have deep pockets for Tesla. Not good for Morgan.

4. Once Astor, Guggenheim and Strauss were dead, there was no more public outcry against the Federal Reserve. It passed congress and was signed into law the following year on December 23, 1913. In addition, now Tesla’s funding was wiped away, his friend in Astor gone.

You must admit, all of this is extremely interesting. Could Morgan have created this plot to kill off his biggest opponents? Did Morgan “whack” Astor because he was getting in his way on too many wealth and power-generating projects?

Admittedly, there are some holes in this interesting theory. For example:

1. Why wouldn’t Morgan have simply had Astor, Guggenheim and Strauss shot? That certainly would have been easier than sinking an entire ship. Then again, then there would have been intense investigations into their murders. When multi-billionaires turn up dead, no stone is left unturned.

2. How could Morgan guarantee Astor, Guggenheim and Strauss would be on the ship? Maybe there were behind-the-scenes events, put in place by Morgan, to ensure those men would be on the ship. We’ll never know.

3. Moreover, how could Morgan be sure Astor, Guggenheim and Strauss would go down with the ship and not get off onto lifeboats? Maybe Morgan knew well of the truly high character of Astor: “Colonel Astor was another of the heroes of the awful night. Effort was made to persuade him to take a place in one of the life-boats, but he emphatically refused to do so until every woman and child on board had been provided for, not excepting the women members of the ship’s company [4].” Apparently, Guggenheim and Strauss did the same.

4. Why would J.P. Morgan have believed that unless Astor, Guggenheim and Strauss were killed, his coveted Federal Reserve Act wouldn’t have passed? It seems strange that these three men would have had the combined political power to diffuse Morgan & Co.’s clandestine plans.

However, even with the doubt these questions raise in this theory, one cannot help but look upon the story of the Titanic with suspicion.

Is it just a coincidence that J.P. Morgan owned White Star Line, the company that produced the supposedly unsinkable Titanic, and that it went down with his enemy, John Jacob Astor, as well as Federal Reserve opposers Guggenheim and Strauss?

And is it merely coincidence that Morgan and Astor both funded Nikola Tesla, whose innovations could have been either the greatest gifts to mankind or the greatest wealth generators for the few, depending upon who controlled them?

Could the Titanic have been the most ingenious assassination in history?

by John Hamer

In 1908, financier J.P. Morgan planned a brand new class of luxury liners that would enable the wealthy to cross the Atlantic in previously undreamed-of opulence.  The construction of the giant vessels, the ‘Olympic’, the ‘Titanic’ and the ‘Britannic,’ began in 1909 at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Ireland.

Unfortunately for Morgan and his personal bank balance, this money-making venture went a little awry.  The Olympic, the first one of the three sister-ships to be completed was involved in a serious collision with the British Royal Navy cruiser, HMS Hawke in September 1911 in Southampton a few weeks after its maiden voyage and had to be  ‘patched-up’ before returning to Belfast to undergo proper repair work.

In hindsight, it does seem strange that although the Olympic, the first of the ‘sisters’ to enter service, was never given the publicity her younger sister, the Titanic, enjoyed the following year  Why would that be?

In the meantime a Royal Navy inquiry into the accident found the Olympic at fault for the collision and this meant that the owner, White Star Line’s insurance was null and void.  The White Star Line was out of pocket to the tune of at least £800,000 (around $90m today) for repairs and lost revenues.

However, for Morgan and the White Star Line, there was even worse news.
It is believed that the keel of the ship was actually twisted and therefore damaged beyond economic repair, which would have effectively meant the scrapyard. The White Star Line would have been bankrupted, given its precarious financial situation..

According to Robin Gardner’s book, ‘Titanic, the Ship that Never Sank?
the seeds were sown for an audacious insurance scam – the surreptitious switching of the identities of the two ships, Olympic and Titanic.

In his well-documented work, Gardner presents a long series of credible testimonies, indisputable facts and evidence, both written and photographic, that suggest that the two ships were indeed switched with a view to staging an iceberg collision or other unknown fatal event.

According to Gardner, “Almost two months after the Hawke/Olympic collision, the reconverted Titanic, now superficially identical to her sister except for the C deck portholes, quietly left Belfast for Southampton to begin a very successful 25-year career as the Olympic.  Back in the builders’ yard, work progressed steadily on transforming the battered hulk of the Olympic into the Titanic.  The decision to dispose of the damaged vessel would already have been taken. …  Instead of replacing the damaged section of keel, longitudinal bulkheads were installed to brace it”.

How significant then in the light of this statement, that when the wreck of the Titanic was first investigated by Robert Ballard and his crew after its discovery in 1987, the first explorations of the wreckage reportedly showed (completely undocumented in the ships original blueprints) iron support structures in place which appeared to be supporting and bracing the keel.

This was never satisfactorily explained either at the time or subsequently but would certainly be significant if correct and there is absolutely no reason to believe that it is not correct, as it was reported by the puzzled Ballard himself who of course at that time knew nothing (and probably still does not even now) about the alleged switching of the two ships’ identities.



1. http://www.world-mysteries.com/doug_titanic1.htm

2. http://www.titanic-whitestarships.com/Owners2.htm

3. http://www.rense.com/general70/goodc.htm

4. http://www.logoi.com/notes/titanic/women_children_first.html

5. http://www.pacinst.com/terrorists/chapter5/titanic.html

6. http://www.museumstuff.com/learn/topics/Jesuit_conspiracy_theories::sub::The_Sinking_Of_The_Titanic

7. http://www.historyonthenet.com/Titanic/blame.htm

8. http://hubpages.com/hub/The_Titanic_Historical_Society

9. http://www.reformation.org/nikola-tesla.html

10. Begich & Manning, “Angels Don’t Play This HAARP” p. 12-13

11. O’Neil, “Prodigal Genius” p. 175

12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RMS_Titanic


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Honoré de Balzac (French pronunciation: [ɔnɔʁe də balzak]; 20 May 1799 – 18 August 1850) was a French novelist and playwright. His magnum opus was a sequence of short stories and novels collectively entitled La Comédie humaine, which presents a panorama of French life in the years after the 1815 fall of Napoleon.  (Ref:  Wikipedia)

The Federal Reserve Act (1913) was one of the greatest financial crimes every perpetrated (until recently).  If you don’t know what it is, read about it here: http://libertymaven.com/2009/03/25/the-federal-reserve-act-must-be-overturned/4944/