Tag Archives: banksters


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overpopulationThe issue of human “overpopulation” of Earth is the subject of much debate.  The “Agenda 21” advocates insist that the human population must be reduced or, at least, controlled.  The “elite” (financially wealthy, greed-driven, Caucasian, self-appointed, Only Ones, Divinely Entitled, self-important, Entitled by Manifest Destiny of the One and Only God) insist that the optimum human population must be reduced and maintained at 500,000,000 people.  This is a number that “they” consider to be the optimum number of SLAVES required to serve their physical needs on Earth.   500 million slaves are required to “feed” the “1%” which, mathematically, must be no more than 5o,ooo multi-billionaires. According the “Agenda 21”, the United Nations program to reduce and control the world population, these are idea numbers.OverpopulationMythManhattanandNewZealandTheir argument for “population control” is that Earth cannot sustain the current and growing human population.  However, the “logic” of this fallacious propaganda is based on “artificially created scarcity”.  What are the lowest common denominator of unlimited survival resources?  Water. Food. Electricity.

Nikola Tesla invented and proved the REALITY of UNLIMITED, FREE, GLOBAL ELECTRICITY in 1888, and demonstrated this with the construction of the Wardenclyffe Tower: a method of broadcasting electrical energy without wires, through the atmosphere of Earth. With unlimited energy humanity could produce an unlimited food supply.  Unlimited clean water.  Unlimited communication.  Unlimited travel. This invention was purposefully and intentionally suppressed and destroy by J.P. Morgan.  Why? It could not be monetized and metered.  Therefore, his PERSON FINANCIAL CONTROL would be superseded and negated.  Financial backing of the TECHNOLOGY OF FREE ENERGY was withdrawn and prohibited.  Instead, the personal power and control of ONE person supplanted the survival of ALL HUMANITY.

wardenclyffeOil, coal, fossil fuels, gasoline, and internal combustion engines were funded and promoted for personal financial power and control by “The Elite”.  Who are the “elite”?  Bankers. JP Morgan championed and established (under the direction of the Rothschild Zionist Dynasty) an artificially created “fiat currency” system.  The Federal Reserve (Private Bank) Act was bludgeoned through the US Congress by Morgan and his minions.  Thereafter, the elimination and control of global human survival was curtailed, controlled and eliminated.  Fallacious and artificially contrived wars have been conceived and funded by Private Bankers to profit from manufacturing weapons, military conquest, murder and destruction for personal financial gain.OverpopulationMythManilaandTunisia

With unlimited FREE ENERGY, invented by Nikola Tesla, the oceans of the world could be desalinated! Unlimited food supplies could be cultivated in the vast deserts of the world.  And a myriad of illimitable resources for human survival could be conceived, created, built and sustained.

How many human beings, animals and plants could coexist, peaceably, on Earth if unlimited, uncontrolled FREE ENERGY were available?  You do the math.

We live on a planet that is carefully controlled and monitored by a Criminal Elite whose sole aim to to CREATE SCARCITY for their own personal financial power and control.  They lobby loudly, under the covert banner of “philanthropy” to reduce population, primarily of “Third World (non-Caucasian) nations.  Yet, they do not volunteer to reduce their own number, do they?

Therefore, it is logical and self-evident that the “humanitarian” solution to “over population” is to eliminate the BANKER population first. Any volunteers?


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CRIME IS NORMALNaturally, an healthy life organism acts to increase the well-being, health, good-fortune, sustainability and longevity of itself and others who are inter-dependent for mutual survival.  On Earth, the “food chain” in nature dictates a “hierarchy of evil” (depending on the point of view of the eater vs the eaten).  When a sea lion kills and eats a penguin this is “normal”.  No “crime” has been committed — from the point of view of the sea lion.

In human society, when one man kills another, or steals his possessions, it is conceived that this man is “evil” and has committed a “crime” — from the point of view of the victim.  If entire nations of killers invade a defenseless people who are unable to invoke “law” or “justice” or “revenge”, then no “crime” has been committed — from the point of view of the killers.

Examples of “evil” behavior and activities of this kind are “normal” through the entire history of human society, whether  conducted by brutal military conquest, religious indoctrination or financial swindle, theft or deception.

Logically, if “evil” or “crime” is “normal for humanlooting-main-street

Definition of “CRIME”

noun:   an evil act not necessarily punishable by law

Definition of “EVIL”

noun:   that which causes harm or destruction or misfortune

adjective:   having or exerting a malignant influence


Therefor, by extrapolation, the definition of “CRIMINAL” would be:

An individual, entity, organization or group of individual entities acting or prohibiting action, which acts or exerts malignant influences to create destruction, harm and misfortune, whether or not these influences or actions are punishable by law — from the point of view of the victim.

Therefor, by logical extension, the greater the magnitude of harm, destruction or misfortune caused indicates the degree to which a person, or entity is criminal.  Historically, on Earth, the very BIG criminals can usually be observed to operate and control several fundamental human activities:

1- Finance, 2- Culture/Education/Religion, 3 – Legislation/Government, 4- Industry/Commerce, 5- Military, 6- Labor, 7- Natural Resources (consumed by humans), and 8- Geographic Territory (occupied by humans), 9- Technology.

Historically, as in current “civilization”, one could apply this definition of “criminal” to Bankers,  Educators, Religions, Legislators, Politicians, Industrialists, Corporations, Energy/Food/Materials Suppliers, Government Contractors, Military leaders, Soldiers, Employers, Real Estate Owners, Scientists and Engineers, as well a individual people.

When the “criminals” control playing board and make up their own rules, there is no “evil”.  “Crime” is “normal”.

— Lawrence R. Spencer. 2015.


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If Nikola Tesla’s invention of Free Energy were allowed to be used by the criminals who control Earth there could be an end to war, scarcity, political oppression, taxation, and the “Climate Change” New World Order taxation scam. If everyone in the world had FREE electricity there would be no need for coal or oil or Banksters and their puppet politicians. This is why Tesla’s inventions have been suppressed and hidden for nearly a century.  I recommend that everyone read Nikola Tesla’s autobiography.  Here is a FREE copy of his book.  http://www.teslasautobiography.com/

Affordable Tesla Generator is now available to the public. Creating environmental friendly, free electricity, the dream and brainchild of Nikola Tesla (who obtained approximately 300 patents worldwide for his inventions), has now become a reality for those who wish to supplement their power needs or move totally off the grid.

In 1934, Nikola Tesla, the “Einstein of Electricity” announced to the world that he had “harnessed the rays of the sun and caused them to operate a motive device.” However, rather than support his new findings as they had so many others, the government actually cut his funding and hushed his ground-breaking discovery. At his death, both his body and his papers mysteriously disappeared. Now that the Freedom of Information Act is in play, some of those important blueprints have resurfaced, and Tesla’s invention for environmental friendly electricity has finally become a reality.

The new caretakers of Tesla’s invention share his desire to help the common man. They have made everything you need to build your own power-generating unit easily available and affordable. But they have even gone one step further. Because they are so sure that you will be overwhelmingly satisfied with this product, they are offering a 60-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee to anyone who is not absolutely happy with this product. It doesn’t get much better than that. This is a win-win situation for everybody involved. Finally Nikola Tesla is seeing his dream realized. Affordable electricity is available to everyone.

For more information about how the environmental friendly Tesla Generator can change your life, go to http://environmentalfriendly.org/tesla


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The ageless Redwood forests in Northern California are the most serene place on Earth. More than 90% of the original trees — many more than 2,000 years old — where chopped down by private profiteers to satisfy the money lust of bankers.  They used the stolen trees to build houses for ignorant European immigrants who murdered and plundered the land and legacy of 100 million Indigenous Natives who had lived in harmony with Nature for untold thousands of years.   Alas, these immigrants are so selfish and stupid that when they die it is “illegal” to donate their dead body to be used as fertilizer for new growth in a timeless forest!  The Indigenous Natives and Redwood Forests are virtually extinct only 500 years after the European immigrants “discovered” them.  Soon, the banksters and private profiteers will slaughter the immigrants.  Karma kills killers. Good riddance to death…. Time heals all.