Category Archives: MOVING PICTURES

YouTube Channel for the book “Alien Interview”, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer


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One of my all time favorite YouTube / Internet “News” Shows was “RocketBoom”. In it’s hay day it was hosted by the delightfully cute and eloquent “MemeMolly”. (  The show is defunk now because it was too intelligently written and produced to survive the abysmally successful “dumbing down” of Americans and everyone else, thanks to the cleverly covert devices of the so-called “Illuminati” like Television, Hollywood films, TWITTER and Instgram, Facebook, and a virtual shit-storm of “social” media that have supplanted the fundamental foundations of civilization such as READING, WRITING and ARITHMETIC!

Our unseen “leaders”, the banking elite, (Rothschild, Rockefeller, JP Morgan) ensure that our Prison Planet remains a prison and that everyone remains imprisoned, including themselves.  How clever….  However, for those of us who INSIST on remaining mentally acute and interested in knowledge in pursuit of spiritual and intellectual freedom, here is a short video about “Prime Numbers”, of which my best friend told me she was day dreaming yesterday….  (day dreaming about Prime Numbers?  What kind of amazingly marvelous mind does this?)