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One of the “media whores” of the New World Order “scientific” community is Neil deGrasse Tyson.  He is a talking head for the Fascist US President George W. Bush and The Military-Corporate-Private Banker-Oil Company-Congressional Complex Media Tyson has argued that many great historical scientists’ belief in intelligent design limited their scientific inquiries, to the detriment of the advance of scientific knowledge.  He appoints himself as an “authority” on “the spirituality of science” in his essay, “The Perimeter of Ignorance” and other “anti-spirit” propaganda pieces that support and justify the financial agendas of the 1%.

In plain English, he preaches the doctrine which “proves scientifically” that the entire universe is nothing more than a infinite void of brutality, devoid of Intelligence, Love and Kindness.  The so-called “sciences” of Earth are allergic to the existence of Spiritual Beings who are the ONLY source of Benevolence in any universe.  Neil and his media whore peers try to sell us on THE RELIGION OF SCIENCE with “theories” and “experiments” that are in FACT nothing more than justifications for financial control, legalized murder (war), social chaos, and Weapons of Mass Destruction!  In actual FACT, the Religion of Science is DEATH!  (atomic bombs, armaments, HAARP, biological weapons, chem-trails, mind control, taxes and criminal corporations, political puppetry, et. al. notwithstanding).

Personally, I am not a proponent of ANY “religion”, including the Religion of Science or any “ism” or “ology”, doctrine, dogma and demigod.  However, I know, with certainty, that no “scientist” can detect, measure or perceive BENEVOLENCE with a microscope. telescope, stethoscope, oscilloscope or any other “scientific” apparatus.

Benevolence does not exist in the physical universe.  It is Created and Perceived by you and me as Spiritual Beings: The Source of Benevolence.

— Lawrence R. Spencer. 2015.


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Many people in the world like to believe that our government representatives have the ability and intention to defend and protect the best interests of our survival. Unfortunately, this is not true. Our “representatives” no longer have any power whatsoever. They are talking heads for a Military-Corporate-Congressional-Banking Complex that has risen and seized control of our planet since 1947. The last two American presidents who wrote their own speeches were Dwight Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy. The evidence of their warnings have been ignored and suppressed.

The danger they attempted to warn us about has now been manifested in the New World Order of Socialist / Fascist / Military / Corporate / Banking International Police State, whose ONLY interests are to accumulate as much PRIVATE Power, Control and Possessions as possible for themselves. Eisenhower told the truth before he died. Kennedy was shot because he was about to reveal the truth. May they rest in Peace. It may be too late for the rest of us…. Bankers, Politicians and Corporations are Parasites who feed on the economic slavery of the “human body” of mindlessly willing workers. However, they too will reap their “rewards” when the collective Body of Humanity dies, and they die with it.  So Be It….

Transparency “The Government Insiders” from Ron Garner on Vimeo.