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I live in a “55 and older community” of homeowners.  There are about 11,000 people living in this upper-middle class American “retirement resort”.  The average age of the residents is about 72 years old.  When I attend events and activities here I often think to myself, “Gosh, there sure a lot of old people here!”  Then, I go home and look in the mirror…..  It is then that I discover that I am one of the “old people”.

However, because I AM old, and because I am surrounded by other “old people”, I realize that “old people” do not think of themselves as “old”.  In our minds, we see ourselves in our mind at a time when our bodies were physically fit, sexually attractive and productive!  Nevertheless, even though I am only “18 years old in my mind”, the mirror reminds me that my body is more than 70 year old, and counting…..

These are the moments when I must remind myself that I am NOT the body I inhabit at this moment in the Eternal Now.  I know — deep inside myself — have lived a thousand, thousand lives in bodies uncountable, on planets in galaxies unspeakable.  When I remember “Who” I REALLY Am, the “man in the mirror” doesn’t seem quite as “real” as the people who live all around me seem to think.  I know that I am an Immortal Spiritual Being. If your body is still young, sexually attractive and physically fit, you may want to start remembering that you are NOT the body.  When your body gets “old” it will help you to remember that you are immortal, and eternally “18 in my mind”.



