Tag Archives: Jose Reyes


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I first hear Flamenco music in 1964 when the uncle and father of members of The Gypsy kings released their first record album in the US  titled: Manitas de Plata: Guitarra Flamenco.  It was recorded in a small room with a few invited guests, including the world famous artist Pablo Picasso.  His cousin, a carpet layer, Jose Reyes, who is the father of several of the members of The Gypsy Kings, was the vocalist.  When I heard the magnificent and authentic guitar playing on this record I was instantly electrified!  Memories of my past lives spent in Spain and France as a gypsy flooded back into my consciousness with overwhelming passion for this music and these beautifully crude, by free, peasants who were originally refugees from India and Egypt.  Here are two cuts from Manitas De Plata performing  Tarantas. This is the first US recordings ever made of Manitas De Plata — October 1963, in Arles, France, produced by Connoisseur Society (the recording engineer was David B. Jones). It was initially released as an LP (“Manitas de Plata aux Saintes Maries de la Mer“) on the Philips and Connoisseur Society labels.  To this day I have never heard a performance of authentic Flamenco guitar playing as flawlessly performed as those recorded on this record.

Here are TWO selections from that album:

In 2003 I attended a concert of the Gypsy Kings at The Greek Theater in L.A. as a birthday present to myself.  This is my favorite music group of all time!  They continue the proud heritage of the true gypsy spirit of freedom and passion and musical genius!  Here is the complete album of the Gypsy Kings Greatest Hits:


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Since the 60s I have been enchanted by Manitas de Plata (Fingers of Silver).  He is the finest, most authentic Gypsy Flamenco guitar player who ever lived.  He was the progenitor of  The Gypsy Kings, together with the singer who performed with him most of his life, Jose Reyes.  This is a full-length (remastered) concert by Manitas de Plata, with Jose Reyes (and others) from 1975.  The first solo performance by Manitas de Plata in this concert begins at 10:00.  It is “Por el Camino de Ronda“.