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“You’ve always had the power to go back to Kansas”–Glinda

                “Oh Dear! That’s too wonderful to be true!”–Dorothy

                “Now those magic slippers will take you home in two seconds. Just close your eyes and think to yourself, ‘There’s no place like home’.”–Glinda

                “Then why didn’t you tell her before”?–The Scarecrow

                “Because she wouldn’t have believed me. She had to learn it for herself.”–Glinda

                “If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own back yard, because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with.”–Dorothy in ‘The Wizard of Oz”

                Like Dorothy in ‘The Wizard of Oz’ we are creatures of our own design. We live in universes created by our own agreements and imagination. We are inside the Physical Universe looking out to find the origin of our being. We long for a place we feel certain must exist; a place where there is no trouble. We wait for wizards and witches to show us the way home. Yet we fear to close our eyes and click our heels to see the Universe Within.

               Our journey home begins at the source of the rainbow; shining light upon our own eternal, ethereal selves.

               The history of mankind seems blanketed in a simultaneous state of amnesia and deja vu. The ruins of ancient civilizations whisper a reminder that we have forgotten everything we knew.

A multitude of gods have shown themselves like shadows in the halls of history. We know not yet, except by our own observation and decision, which of them is real. We are betrayed by those who teach us that we must trust the Wizards of the West. While pretentious politicians defend the castles of the Witch, the media monkeys swarm to spin perverted lies to cover up their covert tricks.

The voiceless bones of wonderful wizards have dissolved to mortal dust once more. Their words have vanished in the smoke of sacred libraries, searing our souls with the stupefying stench of wisdom lost forever in their flames. From day to day the timeworn treadmill of survival forces us to worship at the soulless bankers’ shrine. Gold is still the god of the great and powerful Oz.

We have crash-landed in a twisted alien landscape of pain and mortality, far away from our home Universe. As a race we have amnesia. We are repeatedly bumped on the head by the recurring cataclysmic upheavals of a planet whirling in space like a farmhouse in a tornado.

               The future is an extension of the present. We must live our lives in the present in a manner which will create the greatest good for the greatest number of beings in the future. If we are aware of our own past lives, we must also be aware that we are creating our own future by our present actions. We will inherit our own legacy.

               As Professor Marvel points out with simple eloquence, “There are no other wizards…”

               We are apparently the only wizards there ever were and the only wizards that ever will be. We are each a part of a time track of the past, present and future of our own creation, individually and collectively.              

               If we let the Wicked Witches run the culture now, they will be in charge of the place when we come back. Just as we are the descendants of past generations, you and I may very well become, through reincarnation, the children of our children–we are the future generations who will inherit the environmental and cultural conditions of the future which we ourselves are creating today.

               Man has apparently been searching the stars for a way to leave the Earth and go “over the rainbow” to a place where there is no trouble.

               Since before the beginning of our own dim primordial prehistory, we have been looking into the depths of our own immortal selves for a way “over the rainbow” back to YOUR OWN UNIVERSE–our own identity, simplicity and power as spiritual beings. This has been the dream of many religious philosophers throughout the ages.

               We still have not solved many of the mysteries of the physical universe. However, we can CHOOSE to see what’s in it. We can CHOOSE to disagree with what we see. We can CHOOSE to agree to the creation of a new and better universe.

               Dorothy and her friends have taught us a valuable allegorical lesson: Dorothy got herself into the Land of Oz, and she got herself back to Kansas, but she would not have made it without the help of her friends. If ever there will be a Yellow Brick Road, if ever there will be an Emerald City of which we can be proud, we must build it ourselves. “

— Excerpt from THE OZ FACTORS, written by Lawrence R. Spencer

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