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Anyone can be a FaceBook Filosofer.  (and most Facebookers are.)  But, if you’re a amateur, and aspire to be a “professional” (like me) here’s all you need: 1) a Facebook account 2) a photo — preferably with a black background for more dramatic textual contrast  3) a photo editing ap 4) type a slogan, quotation or cliche on the picture.  5) Upload your picture.  (shazzam!) Now you’re a professional Facebook Filosofer!  It doesn’t matter how many “Likes” you get.  It’s all about the deep filosfical drama of posting platitudes to impress yourself and your “Friends” with your clever witicizms and deeply spiritual understanding of all things political, social, and sexual.  Who knows, maybe you”ll even hook up with someone along the way who “Likes” you or at least shares your version of reality anonymously over the internet.