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When I was 12 years old (this lifetime) I decided I would become an Archaeologist.  I wanted to discover the Hidden Secrets of Humanity…. dig holes in the desert in search of un-looted treasure… decipher the indecipherable ciphers…. understand My Meaning and My Origins!  55 years later I have discovered all of these things…(except for the treasure, which was looted a long time ago by university professors, Zahi Hawass*,  and other “legalized” thieves…), but without having to dig a single hole! The field of Archaeology, as a “science”, has been developed, refined, celebrated and defrauded by the best and the worst grave robbers of Western Civilization.


Personally, by the time I started attending my first college courses in Archaeology and Anthropology I realized that the only “mysterious caves” I really wanted to explore were between the legs of my female classmates! And alas, my career aspiration was abandoned….  This proved to be a fortunate circumstance, as I eventually discovered that the majority of truly revelatory archaeological discoveries where covered up, denied, and buried in the crypts of the Smithsonian Institute, the Vatican, The Library of Congress, the Ministry of Egyptology, The British Museum and other government and academic vested interests who do not EVER want you and I to discover the fact that Humankind did not “evolve” on Earth.  We have all been imported from elsewhere.  The “artifacts” of Archaeology are nothing more than tattered fragments of a False Facade civilization placed carefully to deceive us into believing that we are not living on a prison planet.  For details, read the book  ALIEN INTERVIEW.


* Zahi Hawass (Arabic: زاهي حواس‎; born May 28, 1947) is an Egyptian archaeologist, an Egyptologist, and former Minister of State for Antiquities Affairs. He has also worked at archaeological sites in the Nile Delta, the Western Desert, and the Upper Nile Valley.  Hawass has received widespread publicity internationally, and was the subject of a reality television series in the United States, Chasing Mummies. His views and links to business ventures and the Mubarak regime have engendered controversy. In connection with the awarding of a gift shop contract at the Egyptian Museum and alleged smuggling of antiquities, he was sentenced to a prison term, which was later lifted.