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The word angel in English is a fusion of the Old English word engel (with a hard g) and the Old French angele. Both derive from the Latin angelus which in turn is the Romanization of the ancient Greek ἄγγελος (angelos), “messenger”, which is related to the Greek verb ἀγγέλλω (angellō), meaning “bear a message, announce, bring news of”.  A messenger is usually someone who delivers news or communication from another source.  They are not the source of the news.

As we know, “the news” can be “bad” or the message can be “good”, depending on the circumstances, or the person.  According to the “messengers” of Western civilization on Earth, “the news” is ALWAYS bad.  Good news is NOT news, according to television, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc..  So, if you want some GOOD news, you’ll probably have to get it from spiritual sources, like angels or friends you can trust to have your best interests at heart.