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My Best Friend wrote me an e-mail recently to ask me a very good question:  

“Why don’t you ever write about your personal thoughts? I want to know your OWN real feelings and emotions. Your joy, pain, fear, insights  – but with your OWN words. Lawrence, I want to hear YOU!”

I realized that this idea had never occurred to me before!  Why don’t I ever write Blog posts about my own, personal ideas, emotions and point of view?  This is really a great question!

So, I started doing some heavy “soul searching” to discover the answer.  I recalled that some great philosopher, a long time ago, said that “A Question is The Answer to The Question”.  It’s a rhetorical.  A question always answers itself.

Here’s an example.

QUESTION:  “Why can’t dogs fly?”

ANSWER: “Dogs can’t fly.”

QUESTION: “Is the Federal Reserve Bank a scam?”ALIEN INTERVIEW

ANSWER: “The Federal Reserve Bank is a scam.”

I have written 9 books of my own. And, I edited and published what could be the most important document ever published in the Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.history of Earth:  the interview transcripts between the pilot of the Roswell UFO crash in 1947 and Nurse MacElroy, which I published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW in 2007. If you have not yet read this book, you need to read it.  It will completely CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

So, the answer to the question: “Why don’t you ever write about your personal thoughts?” is answered within the question:

ANSWER:  I NEVER write about my personal thoughts!

But WHY don’t I write about my personal thoughts?  The “WHY” question also answers itself.  The Answer is that there is no “why”.  Life, Universes and Other Stuff, ARE what they ARE!!!  There is no such thing as “why?”.  It’s just another rhetorical question that answers itself.

Existence is what it is. People are who they are.  Ideas, opinions, dogs, flying monkeys, witches and criminal Federal Reserve bankers are what they are!  They  ARE.  They cannot change the essence of themselves.  Snakes are snakes.  Mice are mice. Men are men, and Women and women.

This god-forsaken physical universe we live in does not allow changes in the “program” of existence!  The “law” of this universe seems to be:  “IT IS WHAT IT IS”.

You and I can change our OPINION about this universe.  However, opinions do not change this universe.  At least, this has always been my personal feeling and opinion.

But, maybe I’m wrong…..  Einstein proposed the idea of “relativity”.  Quantum Mechanics.  Maybe the universe is all just made of infinitesimally tiny particles of energy that are conceived and contrived and animated by an unseen and unknowable, unfathomable, primordial, a priori “Force”.  And maybe, as the alien pilot in ALIEN INTERVIEW says, the “force” is us!  You and I, as spiritual beings, may be just “thinking” this entire universe into existence!  Maybe it’s nothing more than all of our “personal opinions” combined into One Gigantic Multiverse of Interactive Points of View that We All agree is “The Way It Is”!

I think about this kind of stuff all the time.  I am an old man.  I am retired from the “real world” of business and the economic necessity to work all day doing shit that I hate to do so I can feed and house a biological body that I inhabit whether I want to or not.  Personally, I think and feel that this “reality” we call the “universe” is totally fucked up!  It is filled with pain, suffering, stupidity, amnesia and antipathy toward every sentient entity — plants, animals and people — who co-create and co-inhabit this god-forsaken shit hole called Earth.

Maybe this is why I don’t write about my own, personal thoughts emotions and opinions.  I think that YOU — the reader and subscriber to this Blog – don’t really want to hear MY opinion about Life, Universes and Other Stuff!  You already have YOUR OWN personal thoughts emotions and opinions about Life, Universes and Other Stuff.   So, why would you waste your precious time reading my opinions?

It’s a “rhetorical question”.  The question answers itself.


(I would like to know YOUR person opinion about MY personal opinion.  So, if you don’t have anything better to do, leave a COMMENT.)