Tag Archives: focus


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e-squared-smaller“I have a friend who shall not be named that regularly accuses me of being a pie-in-the-sky Pollyanna. She thinks talking only about the good and the beautiful is denying facts. But here’s my position. “Facts” are not that interesting. I much prefer discussing possibilities. Sure those studies, those government reports, those doctors’ prognoses declare what she might call irrefutable “facts.” But to me, they’re nothing but a catapult for something better. I believe the most important faculty we possess is our imagination, and that by aligning it with the field of infinite potentiality, we can create something so much better than “current facts.”

Harping on about “current facts” just calls in more of the same. To waste our time on “appearances” is denying the power we have to change things for the better. I would much rather deny “facts” than deny my own ability to imagine something better. My words are the seeds that plant the possibilities. We can continue to focus on “what is” or “what appears to be,” or we can focus on what we can better imagine. “What is” is simply what we’ve been focusing on. “What could be” is much more interesting. At least to me.” — Pam Grout, Author of  E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.