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DOWNTON ABBEYan egalitarian overview for viewers of “public” television, financed by “charitable contributions” from the Mega-wealthy, who want you to think you deserve their pity:

Pretentious, self-indulgent vulgarity, greed, gluttony, disdain for the peasant class, grotesque extravagances of the Imperial British social / economic establishment in England, flaunting the arrogance of myopia of assholes who arduously grunt through an incessant utter waste of creative resources lavished upon the self-appointed royalty,  who murder innocent wildlife for amusement, pontificate with gratuitous condescension their disdain for humanity, while pretending piety, by the  murderous thieves who stole the wealth of many continents by brutal force of arms so they can stuff their flaccid faces full of culinary delicacies five times a day while attired in evening dress and catered to by Caucasian slaves — without regard to the Karmic consequences of their criminal decadence!  This tedious ordeal is made to appear “civil” through the cinematic ruse of elaborately aesthetic costumes, quarters and cutlery and a synthetic English countryside where it never, ever rains…. (it’s not a Reality Show, but then, Reality Shows are not “real” either….)