One more of 1001 Things To Do While You’re Dead

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This is easily done. The human race has been doing this since the deepest, dimmest beginnings of time primordial – maybe even since before time was invented.

Forgetting is an especially useful and convenient ability. This is why is has become so popular over the eternity of our previous existence.

The reason is simple: if you have done “naughty” things in the past – or things that other people told you they thought were naughty – you can erase all the blame, shame, regret, guilt and responsibility for all that alleged naughtiness. All you have to do is forget!

Another easy way to forget is to pretend there is some other spirit, like yourself, who is a “great spirit”. Pretend that this “great spirit” made you, and made you DO all those naughty things, so you can put the blame on them for “making you do it”.

Or, pretend that the “great spirit” will forgive you for doing naughty things – if you ask nicely.

Or, tell everyone that “the great spirit made me do those naughty things, so I’m not guilty or insane or responsible for my own actions”.

Even better, tell everyone that the naughty things you did were NOT naughty because you were “commanded” by the Great Spirit to do the naughty things which means they are not really naughty because they were the “will of the Great Spirit” and therefore your actions were “blessed” and “holy”.

Warning: do not ever tell anyone that you are a spirit. And god forbid, do not ever tell anyone that you are the “Great Spirit”. They will bad mouth you, torture you, burn you, crucify you, imprison you, and kill you – in the name of the “Great Spirit” (for your own good, of course).