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religious professional
Where do “the gods” come from?  Throughout the history of human civilization on Earth their have existed many thousands of gods.  It can be observed that there are as many “gods” as there are people to “believe” in them.  And, it can be observed that every sentient being is “a god” with the god-like ability of create and perceive their own “universe”.
But, who are the professional creators of “gods”?  Who earns a living by persuading other people to give them money to “intercede” between a “believer” and “the god, or gods” created by a “religious professional”?   Self-appointed and self-anointed priests, ministers, shaman, channelers, seers, sooth-sayers, prophets, druid, flamen, hoodoo, lama, magus, priest-doctor, votary, etc., each share a common “calling”:  to act as a “representative” of “god”.   There have been thousands of organized religious groups in history.  Each of these groups are formed and administered, and profit from the “business” of religion.
More wars have been fought, more lives have been destroyed and more ignorance and superstition have been created, taught and enforced in the name of a “god” than all other sources combined.  Factually, ever war in a religious war.  Every nation fighting in wars is “blessed” by priests, and “protected” by a “god”.  The combatants of many wars (World War 1 and World War II) are “blessed” by the same priests and the same “god”.  Apparently, war is “good business” of “religious professionals” and “gods”.
The traditional duties and practices of the “religious professional” is to CREATE mythology, lies, half-truths, superstition, fear and mystery in order to CONTROL the “believer”.  Without control they cannot pay their bills, feed themselves, buy expensive costumes, build enormously ornate monuments to inspire awe and fear of the “gods” they have created.  Of course all of these activities are smothered in AESTHETICS.  Beauty is the most effect enticement and trap for the “believer”.  Think about out it….  Beautiful music, ceremonies, buildings, symbols, costumes, mythology, illusions, angels, ascended masters, the beautiful “afterlife”, etc., etc….
In the so-called New Age, it is conceived that every individual is an immortal being or  the “a god”.  Therefor, you can form your own organization, be your own priest and “believe” in your self.  You can even start a war and kill other “gods” or “believers” if they don’t “believe” in you!
However, if you want to be a “god” on Earth you will need to write a “religious text” so other people can read it and be indoctrinated “believe” in you, and adopt you as their god.  There are hundreds of “religious texts” written by self-appointed “religious professionals”.  Usually these texts, like the Bible, were written a very long time ago by “anonymous” or unknown authors who the “religious professionals” insist are “the word of Our God, the ONLY god”.  In fact, all gods are the “Only God”, depending on which “religious professional” you consult.
Obviously, this must be very easy to do as so many billions of people want to “believe” in a “god”, but not in themselves as a “god”.  This is very sad.  However, it can be very profitable for self-appointed “religious professional” whose vocation is to convince you that YOU are NOT a “god”.  If you want to “believe” in a “god”, save yourself a lot of time, money and stupidity:  believe in YOURSELF!
— Lawrence R. Spencer. 2015