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One report published in the first quarter of 2010, asserts that 37 percent of all the content hosted on the Internet was of a pornographic nature.  That number comes from Optenet, a global IT security company.  After porn, the next four content types are shopping (9 percent), travel (5.7), computing (4.2) and sports (4.2).  The study looked at 4 million URLs.  Among the interesting things it discovered was that porn appears to be on the rise.  Between 2009 and 2010, pornographic sites increased by 17 percent.  The study also offers other interesting conclusions on other types of growing content.  Sites about online games (like World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy XI) have grown 212 percent!

However, the Internet may not be as pornography-filled as you might think. In fact, according to one expert, only 42,337 of the one million most-trafficked websites online are offering sex-related content, which translates into somewhere around 4% of sites on the Internet.  That surprising figure—am I the only person who expected it to be much higher?—comes from neuroscientist Ogi Ogas who collected porn statistics as research for his book A Billion Wicked Thoughts. He went on to say that 13% of all web searches between July 2009 and July 2010 were for “erotic content,” down from an estimated 40-50% ten years earlier.

Porn’s big business, by anyone’s measure. According to TechCrunch, in 2006, U.S. porn sites generated $2.84 billion in revenue (thank you, mostly men—72% were then listed as porn viewers).  More recent statistics put the number of pornographic websites at 4.2 million (about 12% of total, a substantial slice), Internet porn sales at nearly $5 billion, peg porn-related materials to a full 25% of daily search engine requests, claim 42.7% of Internet users view porn, and note that it’s not just guys crawling the web’s steamier side these days—one in three visitors to adult websites is female.  The majority of viewers of online pornography are men; women tend to prefer romance novels and erotic fan fiction. Women comprise about one quarter to one third of visitors to popular pornography websites, but are only 2% of subscribers to pay sites. Subscribers with female names are flagged as signs of potential credit card fraud, because “so many of these charges result in an angry wife or mother demanding a refund for the misuse of her card.

Of course, pornography has an advantage when it comes to total Internet volume: porn sites usually consist of bandwidth-hogging videos. If not for this, we believe the Web would be dominated by photos of cats.

Here is a link to a “FREE PORN” website that females will be happy for their man to visit: