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During the past 10,000 years on Earth the average life span of a human being was between 25 to 40 years of age.  That’s assuming that you survived child birth. Infant mortality rates were about 30 percent! To survive to adulthood (14 – 18 years) you had to avoid dying from one hundreds of infectious diseases, starvation, freezing, accidental injuries, wars and plagues. Just as in modern life, 99% of the population are “normal” people, i.e. uneducated peasants, soldiers, workers, homemakers, etc..  Far fewer than 1% were famous persons like kings, pharaohs, Genghis Khan, Shakespeare, Napoleon, or Alexander The Great (who died at the age of 32). So, if you have trouble remembering your IDENTITIES (amnesia) as a human being during the past 10,000 years or more don’t worry about it.  Chances are you lived a short, tedious, miserable, painful, illiterate existence and died in anonymity – not very pleasant lives to remember!