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A very dear friend and I were discussing our mutual successes and failures on the subject of Telepathy (from the ancient Greek, tele meaning “distant”, pathe meaning “passion, affliction, experience, as in the word “empathy”).  I suspect that telepathy is very difficult to do because, as spiritual beings, we inhabit a body that is dependent on physical universe perceptions for communication (site, sound, touch, smell, hearing, etc.)  We have become dependent on receiving eternal information THROUGH the body.  We do not use our spiritual senses to give and receive communication as often as we might if we did not have physical perception.  It has been observed that many animals (dolphins, whales, elephants, dogs, etc.) seem to possess more sophisticated ability to communicate with each other telepathically.  Humans are not as good at this because we use spoken language as a substitute.  Humans think they are superior to the animals because we can use language.  It fact this may be a DISABILITY!

There is a very interesting fellow named Rupert Sheldrake who has done research about animal telepathy.

Perhaps this research will be useful to you.  Send me your thoughts on the subject, telepathically or physically.