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Alfredo Tarantino tests a prototype for his “interplanetary hearing aide” with which he is seen here attempting to detect sounds of life on the planet Venus from a beach near his village in Cavalaire-Sur-Mer in the south of France in 1918.  Alfredo reported that the life forms he discovered made a lot of “hissing” sounds with occassional “buzzing” and “burbling” noises. He interpreted these sounds to mean that the creatures of Venus were very similar to those on Earth.

Members of the Abundia Corona Region of the Venusian Chapter of The Order of Omega Time Travel Cult travelled from the year 8,714 AD to take this photograph in commemoration of the 3,500th Anniversary of “Earth Day”, which is the day that the Venusians took control of Earth and exterminated the pestilence formerly known as the “human race”.