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pseudoscienceScience” is defined as a systematic enterprise that using mathematics and measurement, creates, builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable observations, explanations and predictions about the universe.

An area of study or speculation that masquerades as science in an attempt to claim a legitimacy that it would not otherwise be able to achieve is sometimes referred to as pseudoscience.

The “research” activities of “pseudo-scientists” give outward appearance of science but actually lack the “kind of utter honesty” that allows their results to be rigorously evaluated.  Various types of commercial advertising, ranging from hype to fraud, may fall into these categories.

The most common examples of pseudoscience are profit-motivated scams such as “cancer research“, “pharmaceutical medicine“, and “geoengineering“.    Chemicals are a common denominator of pseudoscience.  Whether the chemical is in a vaccine, in a pill, in our water supply or sprayed on us from a jet plane from 40,000 feet are intended to kill or cripple all of us sooner or later.

Pseudosciences steal the lives and money of the public through false advertising, confusing technobabble, lies, political bribery, assassination of competitors, insurance fraud and military / mafia tactics.  These pseudosciences are designed to KILL you slowly or quickly and VERY EXPENSIVELY.