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Since I was a kid growing up in the 1950s guns were promoted as THE toy to own and “play” with.  America is country built on guns.  The invaders of the American continents from European countries we able to kill and enslave all of the indigenous population because they possessed and used one thing:  GUNS.  Americans WORSHIP guns.  A gigantic number of movies, TV shows, books, etc. glorify the use of guns.  Killing with guns is an entertainment.  Killing with guns is a sport.  Guns are power.  Power is “good”.  Killing with guns is the RELIGION of the United States of America.  The right to own and use guns to kill anything and everything that moves is guaranteed in the Constitution of The United States of America.  The US also spends more than 2/3rds of every tax dollar on the military.  So, if you are “shocked” by the use of guns to massacre small children in classrooms of America, you are either an idiot or a hypocrite, or both.  What goes around, comes around.

READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE HERE:  Papa Says It’s Safe”: 20 Astounding Gun Ads | Mother Jones.