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As the United States and Great Britain, at the bidding of the Military Industrial Banksters NWO, prepare for the invasion of Iran, it may be worthwhile to learn a bit about the “mentality” that precipitates military invasions, genocide, pillage and plunder of other people’s land that is the “heritage” and “normal behavior” of the “Christian / Jewish” nation called the United States.  Imperialism, justified by sweeping notions of “Manifest Destiny”  is an ancient aspect of “human civilization” which has endured throughout the ages in every culture in the sordid history of the human race.


Here’s a description of the origins of “manifest destiny” in the United States from —


“Manifest Destiny is the belief widely held by Americans since the 19th century that the United States is destined to expand across the continent (and the entire world). The concept, born out of “a sense of mission to redeem the Old World,” was enabled by “the potentialities of a new earth for building a new heaven.”  The phrase itself meant many different things to many different people. The unity of the definitions ended at “expansion, prearranged by Heaven.” Mid-19th Century Democrats would use it to explain the need for expansion past the Louisiana Territory.

Manifest destiny provided the dogma and tone for the largest acquisition of U.S. territory. It was used by Democrats in the 1840s to justify the war with Mexico and it was also used to acquire portions of Oregon from the British Empire. But Manifest Destiny always limped along because of its internal limitations and the issue of slavery, says Merk, and never became a national priority. By 1843, John Quincy Adams, a major supporter, had changed his mind and repudiated Manifest Destiny because it meant the expansion of slavery in Texas.

The legacy is a complex one. The belief in an American mission to promote and defend democracy throughout the world, as expounded by Abraham Lincoln and later by Woodrow Wilson and George W. Bush, continues to have an influence on American political ideology.

These are the three key themes of Manifest Destiny:

  1. the virtue of the American people and their institutions;
  2. the mission to spread these institutions, thereby redeeming and remaking the world in the image of the U.S.; and
  3. the destiny under God to do this work.

The origin of the first theme was often traced to America’s Puritan heritage, particularly John Winthrop’s famous “City upon a Hill” sermon of 1630, in which he called for the establishment of a virtuous community that would be a shining example to the Old World. In his influential 1776 pamphlet Common Sense, Thomas Paine echoed this notion, arguing that the American Revolution provided an opportunity to create a new, better society:

“We have it in our power to begin the world over again. A situation, similar to the present, hath not happened since the days of Noah until now. The birthday of a new world is at hand…”


In the 21 Century, it appears that the Manifest Destiny of the Global Private Banking Cartel — using the U.S. Military as it’s private army — is leading the world into the global version of Manifest Destiny. The Global Bankers are comprised entirely of Jews.  And, of course, we all know that they are the “Chosen Ones” (according to their own propaganda).

Don’t take my word for it. Educate yourself. Discover the identities of the Global Banksters: start by studying the past and present history of the Rothschild Family and the Federal Reserve Bank (check out a list of their Board of Directors).

By logical extension, what Manifest Destiny has accomplished during the past 200 years in the Americas could turn our entire planet into something resembling a billiard ball in the near future.