NEW AUDIO BOOK! Pan – God of The Woods

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Love; the best word to describe my feelings towards this book. It had so many different things in it, real history, science, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, it really kept your attention. To me this book was a real thinker no matter how “fiction” it is. A lot of my real life beliefs were in this book and it honestly hit my heart. Obviously it was fictional with story line and some characters and even if you aren’t into any religion at all it is still an extremely interesting book to pick up.

Honestly I can say I think this is the most original book I have ever read. If you know me you will know I am partial to Pan, and nature, etc but taking that aside it really was original even if I wasn’t interested in this topics. Never before have I seen such an amazing and interesting mix of ideas, writing styles, etc in a book. The only reason  I love the ending and the part where Pan speaks to you. I planted a tree last year and don’t know I can every year but would love too if possible. 🙂 Amazing story.”

This book was one of the most original and creative books I have ever read! I absolutely loved it and would recommend it to any one who is up for a good read.
“I would never have imagined that anyone would be brave enough (or perhaps stupid enough) to write a book about being a God. Yet, this book pulls it off — with uncanny understanding, humility and humor. This is truly one of the most unique, exhilarating, provocative and spiritually uplifting books I have every read! The author’s descriptions make the “out-of-body experience” seem normal and commonplace. After reading this book, I feel like I can actually do it myself! I am very grateful to the author for this book. It has changed my whole view of life…and life after death.”