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keep-calm-were-all-equalRecently I received the following E-mail message from my friend Eduardo  in Thailand who read the book Alien Interview, and sometimes shares his thoughts related to the ideas in the book.  Here is the message he sent and my response:

“Hi Lawrence.  I’ve been imagining the potential of DNA studies in social theory. It is the sort of research that may or may not have been done without publishing results. It deals with the meaningful comparison of DNA samples from both a subject claiming to be someone’s reincarnation with that of the dead body. After some experiments, Scientifics, are sure to come up with a pattern of identification. A good number of studies will be needed to confirm the hypothesis. Then it could become a subject of speculation by politicians and social change geeks.

Perhaps one of the first and easiest policies could be making possible for every citizen buying some land for personal use -without property taxes, for fairness- and offering its return after death using the DNA data. It’s just a dream but -in my opinion- consequences could be far reaching.

– The citizen will be the basis of government power in itself, the sole beneficiary of government decisions, and the final responsible of upholding national integrity.  Biological constitution while subject to degeneration and death, does not need to be the target of exploitation by perverted policies as in the human past. Every citizen has the right to participate in society. Individuals in need will be the target of social reinsertion programs and dedicated installations during hardship. Animals, like humans, are sentient beings, the excuse of human superiority to make them suffer will not be tolerated. Biased social theories based on disguised vexation followed by adulation to claim control over a community are not the only alternative for government.

– The government will be the body dedicated to the management of individuals, resources, the healthy relationship between both, and ensuring their sustainability and safety. – All the land and resources within national borders will be the sole property of the government. Resources of concern are those regarded as finite by the government, hence its administration is regulated to compensate for its loss accordingly. Resulting scientific-technological improvements from government research will be available without further fees, licenses or patent rights to every citizen.

– Services required by property owners’ may be offered by the government for a fee. Property owners are under no obligation to contract these services as long as their replacement meets the standard for natural resources use.

– Wealth will be the reward of an individual or group of individuals diligence to provide a product or service in exchange for currency. The government, through its banking services, will be the sole manager of national currency. The government, through its employment office will be the sole manager of the labor force. The government, through its social security service will be the sole manager of individual needs. The government will manage national research and development programs. National employee wages in both public and private enterprises will be tiered to factors of preparation and experience level of the employee. The government source of revenue is derived from taxation on commercial enterprises.

Obviously, the big problems are collective amnesia between lives, lack of time for individual development, the need for a personal exclusive space, and intolerant short-sighted governments. This is just my point of view on something better.   How does it sound to you? ”

Cheers, Eduardo


“Hi Eduardo,   How do it sound?  As I am sure you are aware, the ideas expressed in this article are an “Egalitarian Dream”.  That is, such a government and state of existence can exist only where the population is selfless, and the leaders and administrators of government are sane and benevolent.  On Earth, as described by Airl in Alien Interview, the population are prison inmates.  The self-appointed and anointed “leaders” of what is called “civilization” on Earth are repetitively (due to reincarnation and amnesia) the criminal psychopaths — parasitic thieves, mass-murderers, and predators in pursuit of nothing more than a single lifetime of personal power, control and immediate gratification.  Simply stated, Earth is a prison planet.  Like any prison its only purpose is to dispose of, or control, unwanted individuals deemed to be “undesirable” or “unmanageable” beings.  The egalitarian, selfless qualities of benevolence do not exist in “government” of Earth, any more than the “government” of any prison.

However, there are a multitude of social, selfless citizens of Earth.  Each of these have amnesia, and do not know they are INSIDE a prison. Yet  there remains a “feeling” deep within each immoral being that a society of beings can exist without brutality and inequality.  Egalitarian civilizations may have been possible in a dimly perceived, but unknown place in a forgotten past.

Perhaps, on Earth, a monastery, or isolated commune of selective individuals an ideal Egalitarian civilization could be realized beyond the reach and retribution of the “prison guards”. There have certainly been many attempts.  It has been written that any group of people is only as sane, and able coexist equitably, as the individuals members. Therefore, each individual being must be, or become, capable of egalitarian co-existence within themselves.  Alone we may tolerate, or even admire, our own behavior.  But can such equanimity be extended to include one other person? Three, twenty or ten million? Every “civilization” is composed of individual beings.  An benevolent, egalitarian civilization must have members who are each willing and able to co-exist as such. Personally, I am not sure that such behavior exists in the essential nature of any immortal spiritual being in this universe. But, one can dream of such beings — or be one.”  — LRS