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OLIGARCHY: :  a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes.
Rome was a “republic”, and allegedly a “democracy”, 500 years before Julius Caesar assumed control of the entire Western World under the banner of Rome with a private army he hired by borrowing money from Marcus Licinius Crassus  (c. 115 BC – 53 BC).   He was a Roman general and politician and real estate speculator, who amassed an enormous fortune during his life.   Inf fact, Crassus is considered the wealthiest man in Roman history, and among the richest men in all history. (Even richer than the Rockefellers!)Ceasar
Caesar conquered all of the Western World, including the Egypt, North Africa, Persian,  the Gauls (modern Spain and France), the Germans, and England by unyielding military imperialism and unmitigated slaughter of millions, rapine and theft of the Indigenous Human Population. Then he appointed himself Emperor, (March 15), 44 BC, and the Pope of the Church of Rome, and a GOD!  His “democratic” competitors (senators) were so pissed off and jealous of the monomaniacal insouciance of Caesar that a few of the braver souls among them banded together with knives and stabbed him to death on March 15, 44 BCE.
decline & fall of rome I read the entire 1,500 page book titled “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” by Edward Gibbon, which was published in 1776, the year of the American Revolution.  This is a VERY excellent book.  When you study the entire 1,000 history and fall of the Roman Empire it is easier to see that American and Europe are going  through the EXACT same self-destruction right now, and for the same reasons, at the hands of a Global Oligarchy of banksters, corporations, and their hired soldiers and political whores.
Before Rome, the empire of Greece was a system of “democratic” City States.  However, the ONLY people who could VOTE in the elections where MEN and each of these men had to be a LAND OWNER, most of whom were SLAVE OWNER! The same was true of the founders of the United States — all land owning, Caucasian men, of European decent.  The President (all all but one subsequent Presidents, are directly related by BLOOD to British Royalty, i.e. King James, circa 1200 AD)
History demonstrates that “democracy” is an Illusion of Oligarchy.  It is created, controlled and maneuvered by beings whose only need is greed.  These parasitic entities control the resources of the planet, harness the labor of the multitudes of subservient soldiers and servants to feed their greed.
Republic-PlatoI also read a book written by Plato called THE REPUBLIC.  He said that the highest form of government should be oversee by an “Philosopher King”, who would assure peace, justice and benevolence for the “greater good”.   His idea was actually put to the test in a city state!  After a few months the benevolent ruler was driven into exile under threat of death by the rich and powerful parasite King.
In fact, there has never been a true democracy in the history of Earth. Government are always controlled by wealthy, land-owning, powerful, brutal men.   It’s an ages old story….the more it changes, the more it stays the same.
~ Lawrence R. Spencer. ©  2015.