Tag Archives: know


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“The closest concept that human beings have to describe an IS-BE (Immortal Spiritual Being) is as a god: all-knowing, all-powerful, infinite. So, how does a god stop being a god? They pretend NOT to know. How can you play a game of “hide and seek” if you always know where the other person is hiding?

You pretend NOT to know where the other players are hiding, so you can go off to “seek” them. This is how games are created. You have forgotten that you are just “pretending”. In so doing, IS-BEs become entrapped and enslaved inside a maze of their own devising.

How does one create a cage, lock one’s own self inside the cage, throw away the key, and forget there is a key or a cage, and forget there is an “inside” or “outside”, and even forget there is a self? Create the illusion that there is no illusion: the entire universe is real, and that no other universe exists or can be created.” — excerpt from the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer


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Humans are immortal spiritual beings. We live on a prison planet. We are given amnesia between “life-times” so we don’t remember who we are, where we came from and who put us in prison.  Deep inside ourselves we always know that we are immortal and who we really are.  We just need to remember to remember.


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“Thought is a force – a manifestation of energy – having a magnet-like power of attraction. You say “I” feel; “I” think; “I” believe; “I” know; “I” will; etc., etc. Now which is the Real Self? The Mental States just mentioned, or the “I” which is the subject or Real Cause of the mental phenomena? It is not the Mind that knows, but the “I” which uses the Mind in order to know. “ 

~ William Walker Atkinson ~