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I had the privilege of spending several hours with Suzanne Taylor this week.  She is the award winning producer / director of the documentary film titled “WHAT ON EARTH? Inside the Crop Circle Mystery”  Before meeting Suzanne, and watching the film myself, I had only a few ill-conceived notions about the ‘crop circle phenomenon’, which has been a source of controversy for many decades.  Like most “truth” on our planet, it is almost always ridiculed as “heresy”, before being more thoroughly examined, debated and ultimately accepted as “fact” by the “scientific community” (the self-appointed priests of Western Civilization).   Coincidentally, only 500 hundred years ago every decent, church-fearing European was certain (because they had been convinced, under pain of death, dismemberment or burning at the stake) that “The Earth is The Center of The Universe”.   Attempts at “debunking” the “heresy” of crop circles have been financed by the same “Earth is The Center of The Universe” advocates for many years.  Thus, since I am admittedly gullible by nature, I believed the “debunker” news reels and TV “news releases” that showed us film of “Doug and Dave” admitting that they, all by themselves, were staying up all night making the crop circles with a piece of wooden board and ropes.  Wow, that’s amazing, guys!  Especially when you watch the documentary “What on Earth” and discover that crop circles appear — overnight — in more than 40 countries around the world!  And, that thorough analysis demonstrates that the “real” imprints exhibit chemical, electromagnetic and physical characteristics  that can not be made or replicated on Earth.

My personal proclivity toward conspiracy theories, alien agendas, spiritual balderdash and UFO fandom notwithstanding, I came away from watching “What on Earth with the epiphany that we are witnesses to an universal paradigm shift in human consciousness right here in “The Center of The Universe”!  It appears to me that there may be “universes” around, through and about us of which we have not been aware.  Moreover, there may be “spiritual beings” in those universes that are trying to tell us something about the various universes and our relationship to them and each other.

Whatever your favorite superstitions or mythologies or belief systems or preconceived notions may be I DARE YOU to watch “What on Earth” and not be dramatically impacted by it on an intellectual, spiritual and visceral level. — Lawrence R. Spencer, April 26, 2012.



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Yesterday-CubeSome years ago I undertook the study of a heretofore unknown “science” which I named  “Prescient Eschatology”.  Being the inventor and first practitioner of this new “science”, I endowed myself with the honorary title ofDoctor of Prescient Eschatology“.  My first action of “predicting the future” was that I would become a student and professor of this new philosophical / theological / ontological / logical discipline.  Although highly esoteric in nature, the subject has maintained a vast appeal to nearly all of humanity throughout it’s brief history on Earth.  Everyone wants to know the past and predict or create the future!

Pre·scient  /ˈpreSH(ē)ənt/ Adjective  — Having or showing knowledge of events before they take place.

Eschatology  (from the Greek eschatos/eschatē/eschaton meaning “last” and -logy meaning “the study of”, first used in English around 1550)  is a part of theology, physics, philosophy, and futurology concerned with what are believed to be the final events of history, the ultimate destiny of humanity.  In the context of mysticism, the phrase refers metaphorically to the end of ordinary reality and reunion with the Divine.

The most obvious point of departure for the student into the subject of Prescient Eschatology is the fundamental understanding that time in the physical universe is an “eternal now”.  For the practical purposes of my study I use the following definitions:

A)  Time is a measurement of the motion and change of position of objects in space within the eternal now of the physical universe.

B)   The future is a logical extension of:

1) volition (the act or power of making choices or decisions) and   2) momentum (the product of the mass and velocity of an object) within the eternal now of existence in the physical universe.

Therefore, if we want to predict, change or create a future we must understand and/or alter volition and momentum by any means that can be effected on them.  The means and methods of creating a future are nearly infinite in an eternal now of possibilities.

As for the “past”, time travel, changing the past, memory of the past, etc., these are a discussion of “subjective reality” or personal opinion.   The “past” is entirely dependent upon the experience and opinion (whether agreed upon or not) from the unique point of view of each individual observer of the motion of objects in space, i.e. time.  The study of “time travel” is the singular topic of interest for which I have become a member of the highly exclusive and secretive society: THE ORDER OF OMEGA TIME TRAVEL CULT.   Should anyone be interested in becoming a member of this highly esoteric organization, please inquire using the contract procedures available through this Blog.

Enjoy The Journey of The Eternal Now!